区别不同层次 搞好信息服务

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党务信息工作既要为上级领导服务,又要为本级领导服务和为基层工作服务。处理好这三者特别是前两者之间的关系,对各级党务信息工作部门来说是至关重要的。从目前的现实情况看,存在着把为上级服务与为本级服务割裂开来的两种倾向:其一,重本级轻上级。由于受趋利性动机的影响,有的党务信息部门把为上级领导服务看成额外负担,因而热情不高,消极应付,只将为本级领导服务视为份内之事,认真负责,惟恐失误。其二,重上级轻本级。有的认为搞好了上报信息,就是反映了当地党委的工作;在上级党委办公(厅)室年度评比中争得了好的名次,就是搞好了信息工作。这种认识上的偏差,导致了各级党务信息工作中“热衷于上级,冷落了本级,忽视了下级”的怪现象的存在。应当说,党务信息工作为本级领导服务与为上级领导服务是一致的,二者并不矛盾。这是因为,一方面,党务信息工作部门直接的服务对象是本级党委。本级党委是区 The work of party affairs information not only serves the superior leadership, but also serves the leadership at the same level and serves the grassroots work. The proper handling of the relations among the three, especially the former two, is of crucial importance to the party information work departments at all levels. Judging from the current reality, there are two tendencies to split service for the superior and for the basic: Due to the influence of the profit-making motive, some party affairs information departments regard the overhead service as an extra burden, so their enthusiasm is not high and they are dealt with negatively. Only the leadership service at the corresponding level is regarded as a matter under their responsibility. Mistakes. Second, heavy upper light level. Some believe that improving the reporting information is a reflection of the work of the local Party committees. Having won a good rank in the annual appraisal of the office of the superior party committee (office) is to do a good job in information work. This deviation in understanding has led to the strange phenomenon of “being keen on the superior, neglecting the present, and neglecting the subordinates” in party affairs information work at all levels. It should be said that party affairs information service is consistent with the service provided by the leaders at the corresponding level and the superior leadership, and the two are not contradictory. This is because, on the one hand, the Party’s information work department directly serves the party committee at the same level. The level of party committees is the district
摘 要: 在中职语文教学中,树立以人为生的教育理念,在教学过程的适用性、生动性、开放性上求突破,在教学内容上进行有机整合,由“以书为本”向“面向百科”转变,在教学方法上进行优化、改进,集校园上下、课堂内外、生活情景于一体,创设学生乐于学习、勤于探究、勇于创新的教学情境,培养学生的阅读、理解、写作能力及听、说、读、写技能,激起语文教学活力。  关键词: 中职语文教学 开放教学 激发活力 提高效率  
为适应社会的发展趋势,我国基础教育领域正进行着一场意义深远的课程改革,而信息技术和课程整合是我国面向21世纪基础教育教学改革的新视点和重要内容。  为了顺应新时代的教育现状,实现信息技术与小学语文的课程整合,广大教育工作者必须在先进的教育思想和教育理论的指导下,了解多媒体技术和网络技术,并在语文教学中充分发挥、利用多媒体和网络信息技术,改变现有的传统的教学模式,转变学生的学习方式,实现对学习者进行