New Problems Facing the Urban Development of Haikou

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq853001313
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In the past few years since the implementation of the master plan of the city ofHaikou,a rapid development has been achieved in the urban construction and,at thesame time,quite a few new problems have emerged.Taking these problems into consid-eration,the author puts forward his detailed analysis and ideas on the six aspects suchas the urban planning of Haikou in view of a wider scale,the construction arrange-ment in the city center,the determination of standard and mode of new zone develop-ment,the rational intensity of development in the financial and trade zones,the com-prehensive measures for improving the urban transportation system and the improve-ment of the level of cultural civilization. In the past few years since the implementation of the master plan of the city of Haikou, a rapid development has been achieved in the urban construction and, at the same time, quite a few new problems have emerged.Taking these problems into consid-eration,the The author puts forward his detailed analysis and ideas on the six aspects suchas the urban planning of Haikou in view of a wider scale, the construction of the city center, the determination of standard and mode of new zone develop-ment, the rational Intensity of development in the financial and trade zones, the com-prehensive measures for improving the urban transportation system and the improve-ment of the level of cultural civilization.
目的:唇腭裂是口腔颌面部最常见的先天性畸形,危害严重。mi RNA在细胞分化,生物发育及疾病发生发展过程中发挥巨大作用,越来越多的受到科研人员的关注。本课题对唇腭裂患儿下
以极谱法研究了B—329的电反应和测定方法.发现在0.1mol/L的HCIO4介质中,B-329在-1.15V(v.sSCE)有一灵敏的还原波,波高与B-329浓度在8.0×10-5~1.0×10-3mol/L之间有良好的线性关系.以此条件为基础建立了极谱分析方法. Polarographic method was
一、选择题  3. 某相对封闭的山区,有一种发病率极高的遗传病,该病受一对等位基因A-a控制。调查时发现:双亲均为患者的多个家庭中,后代的男女比例约为1∶1,其中女性均为患者,男性中患者约占3/4。下列相关分析中,错误的是( )  A. 该遗传病为伴X染色体显性遗传病  B. 在患病的母亲中约有1/2为杂合子  C. 正常女性的儿子都不会患该遗传病  D. 该调查群体中A的基因频率约为75%  4
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