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2010年7月5-7日,中国工程机械工业协会铲土运输机械分会在上海主办了“中国土方机械发展战略高峰论坛”。中国工程机械工业协会苏子孟秘书长应邀出席会议并针对2010年前5个月中国工程机械行业整体的经济运行情况,作了专题发言。他指出,进入2010年以来,我国工程机械行业保持高位运行;根据目前行业发展形势,中国工程机械工业协会将调高2010年初对全行业年增长15%以上的预测,并预计全行业2010年将呈现前高后稳态势,出口增长在30%左右,但出口要恢复到金融危机前,即2008年的134.2亿美元水平还需很长时间……。苏子孟秘书长的讲话引用了大量详实的数据,总结了2010年1-5月中国工程机械行业发展形势变化,同时,对国内外的经济形势和发展机遇做了客观分析。以期让更多行业同行了解2010年以来中国工程机械行业和目前国内外经济形势发展现状,以及对下半年企业发展提供依据和有利参考。本刊特编辑整理了苏子孟秘书长在会上的发言,以飨读者。 July 5-7, 2010, China Construction Machinery Industry Association shovel transport machinery branch hosted in Shanghai “China earthmoving machinery development strategy Summit ”. Secretary-General Su Zimeng of China Construction Machinery Association was invited to attend the conference and made a speech on the economic operation of China’s construction machinery industry in the first 5 months of 2010. He pointed out that since 2010, China’s construction machinery industry remained high; according to the current industry development situation, China Construction Machinery Association will raise the forecast for the industry in 2010 by more than 15% annual growth, and is expected to be the industry in 2010 will be Showing a steady trend after the top, the export growth of about 30%, but exports to recover before the financial crisis, that is, the level of 13.42 billion U.S. dollars in 2008 takes a long time ... ... Secretary General Su Zimeng quoted a large amount of detailed data to sum up the changes in China’s construction machinery industry from January to May in 2010, and at the same time made an objective analysis of the economic situation and development opportunities at home and abroad. With a view to let more industry peers understand the current situation of China’s construction machinery industry and the current economic situation at home and abroad since 2010, and provide the basis and favorable reference for the business development in the second half of the year. Our special edition compiled the speech made by Secretary-General SU Zi-Meng at the meeting in order to readers.
今年诺贝尔物理奖授予法国人阿尔伯特·费尔(Albert Fert,1938-)和德国人彼得·格鲁伯格(Peter Gruenberg,1939-),表彰两位物理学家在1988年分别独立地发现了巨磁电阻效应,使