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目的:探讨医院船在海上执行医疗任务中实施麻醉工作的特点。方法:分析实施麻醉65例的区域分布及麻醉的具体情况。对所有接受麻醉的患者进行术中监测心电图(ECG)、脉搏血氧饱和度(Sp O_2)、无创血压。比较黑种人与白种人各20例在不吸氧状态下血红蛋白含量与平均Sp O_2的关系。结果:全麻23例(22例气管插管,1例喉罩通气),硬腰联合麻醉40例,臂丛加静脉基础麻醉2例。牙买加14例中,全麻2例,硬腰联合麻醉11例,臂丛神经阻滞1例;特立尼达和多巴哥19例中,全麻6例,硬腰联合麻醉13例;哥斯达黎加32例中,全麻15例,硬腰联合麻醉16例,臂丛神经阻滞1例。除1例腰麻患者血压有一定程度下降外,其余实施麻醉的患者ECG、Sp O_2、血压指标均稳定。黑种人在未吸氧情况下平均Sp O_2均为100%比白种人高。结论:医院船麻醉工作有其特殊性,积累其工作经验,保证麻醉工作在医院船平台对外医疗服务期间手术的正常进行。 Objective: To investigate the characteristics of hospital ships in the implementation of medical tasks at sea anesthesia. Methods: To analyze the regional distribution of anesthesia in 65 cases and the specific circumstances of anesthesia. Intraoperative monitoring electrocardiogram (ECG), pulse oximetry (Sp O 2), and non-invasive blood pressure were performed on all anesthesia patients. The relationship between hemoglobin content and mean Sp O_2 in 20 cases of black and white in non-oxygenated state was compared. Results: Twenty-three patients under general anesthesia (22 tracheal intubation and 1 laryngeal mask ventilation), 40 patients with combined sclerosis and brachial plexus and 2 patients with intravenous anesthesia. Jamaica 14 cases, 2 cases of general anesthesia, sclerosis combined anesthesia in 11 cases, brachial plexus block in 1 case; Trinidad and Tobago in 19 cases, 6 cases of general anesthesia, sclerosis combined anesthesia in 13 cases; Costa Rica 32 cases, 15 cases of general anesthesia, sclerosis combined anesthesia in 16 cases, brachial plexus block in 1 case. Except one case of patients with spinal anesthesia, the blood pressure decreased to a certain degree, while the rest of the anesthesia patients were stable in ECG, Sp O_2 and blood pressure. Blacks average Sp O_2 without oxygen were 100% higher than Caucasians. Conclusion: The hospital ship anesthesia has its own particularity, accumulating its working experience and ensuring the normal operation of anesthesia during the external medical service of the hospital ship platform.
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