
来源 :广东水电科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shening
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我省面临南海,共有海堤长4,100多公里,捍卫农田500多万亩、人口447万人.防护区内粮食及经济作物产量较高,工商业亦较发达.解放以来人民政府在堤防建设上投入了大量人力物力,设防标准大有提高.但由于南海或太平洋吹来的强台风对我省袭击的次数较多,有时风速极大,超过现有堤防抗御能力,以致造成灾害.如1983年9号台风,在珠江口登陆,中心风力12级,又值农历初三,暴潮加上 The province faces the South China Sea, a total of more than 4,100 kilometers of seawall, defended more than 5000000 acres of farmland, population 4.47 million.Protection and food crops and high crop yields, industry and commerce is also more developed .People’s liberation since the liberation of the dike investment A lot of manpower and material resources, fortification standards have greatly improved.But due to the strong typhoon blowing over the South China Sea or the Pacific, the number of attacks on our province is more, sometimes the wind speed is extremely large, exceeding the existing dike defensive ability, resulting in disasters, such as 1983 9 Typhoon, landed at the Pearl River Mouth, the center of wind 12, the value of the third day of the Lunar New Year, plus the storm surge
调整发动机点火(供油)正时,有一些人往往喜欢调整提前一点,殊不知点火时间过于提前,是导致发动机爆震的导火线,而长时间的严重爆震又会产生发动机部件过载、过热、早损。 今
The EC (electrical conductivity), pH and concentrations of major anions, cations and dissolved silica were determined in the stream meltwater draining from the
凯芙拉纤维比目前最好的石绵或玻璃纤维有更佳的韧性及较低的脆性。且对渗入的流体有很好的抵抗力。 由有机材料加上凯芙拉纤维增强制成的刹车皮内衬展现良好的特性,凯芙拉
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应“第三届海峡两岸山地环境与保育研讨会”筹备委员会的邀请 ,成都理工大学许模教授、许强副教授以及杨武年教授共一行三人于 2 0 0 1年 5月 13日至 2 1日赴台湾参加了“第
利用零件的左右对称性,并与冲压成形加工的工艺性统一起来,能较好的完成冲压成形加工。 Using the left and right symmetry of parts, and with the process of stamping for