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地处古尔班通古特大沙漠南缘的农八师一五○团被沙丘四面环抱,被人们称为沙漠半岛。2002年,该团职均收入达到1.2万元,全团无一户亏损挂账,被兵团评为红旗团场。该团党委在践行“三个代表”重要思想中,始终把职工群众的利益放在第一位,十分注意用政策保护、鼓励、调动职工的积极性,使职工群众的积极性竞相迸发,创造财富的源泉充分涌流。要让职工拿上钱一五○团地处沙漠深处,日照时间长、昼夜温差大,光热资源丰富,种植棉花具有得天独厚的优势。棉花富了一五○团人,使该团成为石河子垦区的富团和经济强团。2001年7月下旬的一场冰雹,使全团10多万亩棉花遭到灭顶之灾,减产达50%。职工辛辛苦苦干一年,不但拿不上钱,还要倒欠挂账。大灾之年,该团党委把维护和保护职工利益放在第一位,团党委决定:“宁愿团里负债也一定要让 Located in the southern edge of Gurbantunggut desert Nuda eight division luan group surrounded by sand dunes, known as the desert peninsula. In 2002, the group’s average income reached 12,000 yuan, the whole group without a loss linked to account, the Corps as the red flag field. In the practice of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ the CYL party committee has always placed the interests of the workers and the masses first. It pays great attention to using the policies to protect, encourage and mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff and workers, The fountain of wealth is full. To allow workers to take the money a group of 150 located in the depths of the desert, a long time sunshine, large temperature difference between day and night, light and heat resources, planting cotton has unique advantages. Cotton has enriched 150 groups of people, making the regiment become the rich group and economic group of Shihezi reclamation area. A hail in late July 2001 caused more than 10 million mu of cotton in the entire group to be extinct, with a yield reduction of 50%. Workers worked hard for a year, not only can not get money, but also owed hanging accounts. Year of the disaster, the regiment party committee to protect and protect the interests of staff and workers in the first place, the regiment committee decided: ”rather regiment debt must also be
湖南省政策性粮食库存数量和质量大清查试点动员大会召开  9月19日,湖南省政策性粮食库存数量和质量大清查(以下简称“政策性粮食库存大清查”)试点动员大会在长沙召开。省政策性粮食库存大清查工作协调机制副组长兼办公室主任,省粮食局党组书记、局长张亦贤出席并做动员讲话,省粮食党组成员、副局长周辉解读大清查工作方案、部署试点工作并主持会议。湖南省作为全国政策性粮食库存数量和质量大清查10个试点省份之一,选
目的:探讨并分析糖尿病下肢动脉疾病使用640容积C T血管造影诊断的效果.方法:此次研究的对象是选择2015年2月至2017年2我院对60例糖尿病下肢动脉疾病患者,进行了640层容积C T