据报载,电影演员王姬与重庆方面约好于四月十三日到该市参加《红粉》首映式晚会。在万事俱备,只欠东凤的情况下,王姬藉口对西航班机不满意,竟然以掷硬币方式决定是否赴渝。结果是她宁信天而负人,置成千上万翘首而待的观众不顾,公然“罢演”。读罢这则消息,顿觉如鲠在喉,不吐不快。 不言而喻,此类事情的发生,其根本原因是一部分演艺人员道德不纯思想修养不足所致。君不见有这么一些“星族”中人,一旦偶有所成,略有小名,便自以为已得道成仙,功成名就,把什么人都不放在眼里。稍有一丁点不满意,便可以借“病”弃约,使“性”罢演,甚至借“醉”骂人打人砸东西。说到底,这些人所作所为,正是其内涵不足,德行浅薄的自我暴露。
It is reported that film actor Wang Ji and Chongqing agreed to attend the “Pink” premiere at the city on April 13. In all cases, only owe the case of Dongfeng, Wang Ji excuse is not satisfied with the flight, even toss the coin to decide whether to go to Chongqing. The result is that she rather trust in the world and the negative, set aside tens of thousands of eager audience disregard, blatant “strike.” Read this message, pause feel like a throat, do not vomit. It goes without saying that the root cause of the occurrence of such a thing is that a part of entertainers’ lack of cultivation of moral impure thoughts. Do not you see there are some “stars” in the human race, once made a few occasions, a little nickname, they think they have attained immortality, fame, what people are not looked down upon. A little bit of unsatisfactory, we can use the “sick” disclaimer, so that “sexual” strike, or even by “drunk” curse hit people hit things. In the final analysis, what these people are doing is just the shallow self-disclosure of their virtues.