Electroencephalogram Features of Anxiety Relieving During Music Listening

来源 :上海交通大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lh305879918
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With the fast-accelerating pace of life,most of the population is troubled by anxious feelings,or they even developed anxiety disorders,which affect their life qualities viciously.The current treatment is not without drawbacks,such as exhibiting slow or acute effects only.Music therapy has shown promising outcomes in significantly reducing tension and anxiety in many studies.To explore the underlying mechanism,we recruited 12 undergraduate student volunteers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with habits of music listening.We explored the changes in the electroencephalogram(EEG)power spectrum both during and after listening to self-select favorite music,and the relation between EEG signals and anxiety-relieving during music listening.The results showed that the power of the β band in the right parietal area was significantly higher in those who were self-report able to relax during music listening compared with those who could not get relaxed.We observed power increased in the right parietal area of self-reports,not able to relax while music playing.Also,a significant difference in 0 band power in the left frontal area and γ band in the right frontal area before and after music listening was observed between high anxiety group and low anxiety group.These results imply that(3 band activity in the left frontal area is associated with the anxiety-relieving capability of anxiety,which provides evidence for further elucidating the mechanism underlying anxiety-relieving during music listening.
例1 [机型]银跃SVD-100 [现象]开机便烧电源熔断器,指示灯不亮。 [分析与检查]为了确定故障的具体部位,打开机壳,先拔掉电源变压器次级绕组各引脚连接器P201—P208①,换 Ex
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