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每项单位工程的设计与施工,几乎全都涉及到悬臂构件,例如现浇混凝土阳台、雨篷和挑檐等。如果这些悬臂构件的构造措施和施工方法不当,轻者会导致构件根部的混凝土出现裂缝,留下事故隐患;重者会造成构件断塌。因此悬臂构件施工中,无论是支撑及模板的安装、钢筋的绑扎、混凝土的浇筑,以至拆模时间的安排等,都要保证符合施工规范和设计规定,同时还应使它有足够的抗倾覆能力,以保证结构安全。一、要弄清倾覆力矩和抗倾覆力矩二者之间的关系现浇混凝土阳台、雨篷和挑檐等悬臂构件,末端均无任何支撑,悬挑部分的荷载使 Almost all of the design and construction of each unit project involves cantilever components such as cast-in-place concrete balconies, awnings, and provocations. If the construction measures and construction methods of these cantilever components are improper, lighter ones will cause cracks in the concrete at the roots of the components, leaving hidden accidents; the severe ones will cause the components to collapse. Therefore, in the construction of cantilever components, both the support and the installation of formwork, the binding of reinforcing steel, the pouring of concrete, and the arrangement of the demoulding time must be ensured in accordance with the construction specifications and design regulations, and at the same time, it should be made sufficiently resistant to overturning. Ability to ensure structural safety. First, to clarify the relationship between the overturning moment and the anti-overturning moment In-situ concrete balconies, awnings, and provocative cantilever components, no end of any support, the load of the cantilevered part
全总队官兵严阵以待,坚守岗位,政治思想工作领先,为人民服务精神体现,好人好事不断传来 The officers and men of the entire Corps are waiting in the red, taking their
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The effects of the introduction of silica glass and silica ceramic into Ca-Al-B-Si-O glass/ Al2O3 composites on decreasing the shrinkage and the dielectric cons
如把上海比作中国的窗口,那么这里要叙述的也是一个窗口,一个警民联系的窗口——武警上海消防总队第三支队。 早就知道,这是一支有着光荣传统的队伍。提起他们。记忆深处的