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近日,劳动和社会保障部下发了《关于开展再就业援助行动的通知》。有关负责人就一些具体问题回答了媒体提问。问:哪些下岗职工和失业人员可以获得再就业援助?答:协议期满即将出中心,或已出中心但再就业困难的下岗职工和失业人员,可以得到再就业援助。问:这些就业困难群体人员能得到哪些帮助?答:可从政府有关部门得到上门咨询和政策援助、职业指导援助、就业信息和岗位援助、技能培训援助、社会保险关系接续援助、劳动保障事务代理援助、生活保障援助,以及特困群体的特殊援助8个方面的帮助。问:即将出中心的下岗职工可以得到哪些政策咨询和服务?答:每位下岗职工出中心前至少可以参加一次再就业和社会保障有关问题的咨询活动;可以得到一本专门服务手册,通过这本手册,可以了解从政府哪些部门获得何种帮助,以及如何得到帮助;可以得到再就业 Recently, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued a Notice on Launching Re-employment Assistance. The responsible person answered media questions on a number of specific issues. Q: Which laid-off workers and unemployed people can get re-employment assistance? Answer: Re-employment assistance will be provided to those laid-off workers and unemployed persons who are about to come out of the center at the expiration of the agreement, or who have relocated to the center but are less likely to find employment again. Q: What kind of help can these groups of people with employment difficulties get? A: You can get home consultation and policy assistance, vocational guidance and assistance, employment information and job assistance, skills training assistance, social security assistance, labor and social security agency from relevant government departments Aid, livelihood assistance, and special assistance for the destitute groups in eight areas. Q: What policy advice and services are available to laid-off workers who are about to leave the center? A: Each laid-off worker can participate in at least one counseling activity on reemployment and social security issues before leaving the center. A special service manual can be obtained through this This handbook helps you understand what kind of help from government agencies and how to get help; get re-employment
由北京钢铁设计研究总院会同全国20个科研、设计、施工单位和大专院校近百名科技人员负责修订现行《钢结构设计规范》(TJ17-74) 的工作,现已完成。新修本已于1986年4月18日~2
患者 ,女 ,2 6岁 ,下腹部坠痛 9个月 ,近日加重入院就诊。查体 :青年女性 ,慢性病容 ,下腹部压痛明显 ,无反跳痛。 X线 :腹部肠管中量积气余 ( - ) ,B超 :右附件区见哑铃形肿
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信息系统的业务外包是社会分工无限细化的趋势在IT业的投影。每个人在各自轨道上滚动着自己_的球,整个系统会更有序,也更有效率。 The outsourcing of information systems