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“女娲娘娘补了天,剩块石头就成了华山。太上老君犁了地,豁出条犁沟就成了黄河。喊得那老龙出秦川哪,喊得那黄河拐了弯哪。”月琴快速拨动,三弦略带沙哑,演唱者浑厚的唱腔一起,便有穿越千年秦川的力量。梆梆砸板凳的声音,如同奔腾的黄河打击江中石的澎湃,每一语都把一生的磨难和守望唱在举手投足间。两行清泪无声地滑落,不知是重逢的喜还是久违的悲。不错,离开那片八百里秦川,这,是第二次!老腔声声,乾坤朗朗,阆苑奇葩,历久弥 Nuwa empress make up the sky, the remaining pieces of stone became Huashan .On the Laojun plow to the excavated the furrow became the Yellow River .And that old dragon out Qinchuan where, shouting that the Yellow River Shui Bend which. “” Yue Qin fast dial, three strings slightly hoarse, singer vigorous singing together, there will be thousands of years through the power of Qinchuan.梆 梆 hit the bench sound, like the Pentium Yellow River hit the rock in the river surging, each language all his life’s tribulation and watchman sings in the gestures. Two lines of clear tears silently slipped, I do not know the reunion of hi or long-lost tragedy. Yes, leaving that piece of eight hundred miles Qinchuan, this is the second time! Old sound, the world Lang Lang, Ziyuan wonderful work, Longevity
2008中国(北京)国际摄影行业博览会展览时间:2008年1月9~12日展览地点:北京国际展览中心主办单位:中国人像摄影学会承办单位:北京摄影器材城有限公司联系电话:010-88119728 2
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