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在幼儿园的一日活动中,晨间谈话是必不可少的一个环节。但由于它在整个教学活动中所占的比例较小,一般只有十分钟左右,因而容易被忽视。我认为:晨间谈话是幼儿全天活动的开始,谈话的成败会直接影响幼儿一日活动的情绪及效果,因而必须引起我们的充分重视。那么怎样进行有效的晨谈呢? 首先,教师必须把晨谈列入计划,对一周或当天的晨谈内容要做到心中有数,不可随意对待,想到哪说到哪,使晨谈因缺乏目的而收不到应有的效果。其次,晨谈时教师的语言要简明,中心要突出。一次晨谈围绕一个问题或一件事,不要祈求晨间谈话能解决所有的问题。再则,晨谈内容要以正面教育为主。一日之始,给幼儿一个愉快的开端,帮助他们树立信心,同时还要消除各种不利因素影响,使幼儿有个好心境,全身心地投入到一日活动中去。晨谈的形式是多种多样的,大致可分为自由式谈话、随机性谈话、总结性谈话、专题性谈话。我们虽 In the kindergarten day activities, morning conversation is an essential part. However, since it accounts for a relatively small proportion of the total teaching activity, it usually takes about ten minutes and is therefore easily overlooked. In my opinion, morning conversation is the beginning of the day-long activities of young children. The success or failure of conversation directly affects the mood and effectiveness of the day-long activities of young children and must therefore be given full consideration. First of all, teachers must include Morning Talk into their plans, be aware of the contents of the Morning Talk for a week or a day, and should not treat them as they please. And can not receive the desired effect. Second, the language of the teacher should be concise during the morning conversation and the center should be highlighted. A morning conversation around a problem or an event, do not pray for a morning conversation to solve all problems. In addition, the content of morning talk should be based on positive education. Beginning from day one, give the children a happy start and help them to build their confidence. At the same time, they should also eliminate various unfavorable factors and make the children have a good mood and devote themselves fully to the day activities. There are many forms of morning talk, which can be divided into free talk, random talk, concluding talk and thematic talk. We are
金秋十月,天高气爽,山川大地,美景诱人。国庆节后的一个双休日,我和家人一起驱车西峡五道(石童)。 五道(石童)位于豫西南西峡境内,毗邻内乡国家自然保护区,是一处开发不久的
子曰:水浒这部书,好就好在经营,使人们都知道实战派。话说那北宋年间有段时期, 约在杨家将杭辽之后,岳飞杭全之前,基本未与外族发生过刀兵俄斗.相叶可谓天下太平。这种年景往
根据石河子的地理位置、自然环境和居住建筑发展的历史,为当地设计了功能较全,布局合理,实用性强的住宅楼。通过设计实践对住宅设计提出了一些看法。 According to Shihezi
一、质点运动型   例1 将一副三角尺如图1所示拼接:含30°角的三角尺(△ABC)的长直角边与含45°角的三角尺(△ACD )的斜边恰好重合.已知AB=2,P是 AC上的一个动点.  (1)当点P运动到∠ABC的平分线上时,连接DP,求DP的长;  (2)当点P在运动过程中出现PD=BC时,求此时∠PDA的度数;  (3)点P运动到什么位置时,以D,P,B,Q为顶点的平行四边形的顶点Q恰好在边B
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