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人是创造自己历史的主体。无论何种社会形态,从事物质生产实践的劳动主体始终是社会更替、历史发展的决定性力量。但劳动主体的劳动不可能无中生有,如果没有生产资料,劳动将是无米之炊。不管社会形式如何,劳动者与生产资料始终是生产活动的基本要素。二者的结合方式决定着社会形态的差异与权力结构的性质,这是马克思主义基本原理。1、在以私有制为基础的社会形态中,劳动主体与其置身于其中的社会结构关系是异化的。这种异化在资本主义社会通过高度的社会化劳动创造、高度的资本主义占有形式及其与之相适应的对劳动主体的高度剥削而达到了顶峰。这也是资本主义社会形态必然解体的历史逻辑。2、以劳动主体为基本力量的人民群众作为社会更替的决定力量,当然也是社会权力结构更替、政权兴衰存亡的决定力量。尽管历史上也有不少明智的统治者意识到了这一点,提出过“民为重,社稷次之,君为轻”的民本政治理念,但要在私有制的社会形态中付诸实施,则是根本不可能的。3、社会主义社会制度的建立为“以人为本、执政为民”由理论转变为现实,从经济基础与社会条件等方面提供了可能性。当然,要把这种可能变为现实将是一个复杂的历史过程,其中,重视学习历史,汲取历史的经验和教训,为解决现实问题提供借鉴,是非常重要的。① Man is the main body to create his own history. No matter what kind of social form, the main body of labor engaged in the practice of material production has always been the decisive force for social replacement and historical development. However, the labor of the main body of work can not be absent-minded. If there is no means of production, labor will be without straw. Regardless of the social form, laborers and means of production are always the basic elements of productive activity. The combination of the two determines the differences in social forms and the nature of the power structure, which is the basic principle of Marxism. 1. In the social form based on private ownership, the relationship between the main body of work and the social structure in which it is located is alienated. This alienation peaked in capitalist society through a high degree of social labor creation, a high degree of capitalist possession, and its corresponding high degree of exploitation of labor subjects. This is also the historical logic of the inevitable collapse of the capitalist society. 2. The determination of the people as the basic force of the labor force as the decisive force of social replacement is, of course, the decisive force for the replacement of the social power structure and the rise and fall of the political power. Although many wise rulers in history have realized this point, they proposed the people-oriented political concept of “taking people as their priority, taking second as their leaders and as their own right,” but they should put it into practice in the social form of private ownership, It is simply impossible. 3, The establishment of a socialist social system as “people-oriented, governing for the people,” from theory to reality, offers the possibility of economic fundamentals and social conditions. Of course, turning this possibility into reality will be a complicated historical process. It is very important that we attach importance to studying history, drawing on historical experiences and lessons, and providing reference for solving practical problems. ①
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