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通过调查蛋鸡养殖场配套龙眼园的粪便负荷量等资料,分季节选点采集施用蛋鸡粪的龙眼园和未施用蛋鸡粪的橡胶园的土壤样品,通过检测土壤细菌总数、粪大肠杆菌数和细菌多样性等微生物学指标,探讨直接施用蛋鸡粪对龙眼园土壤微生物学性状的影响。结果表明,在龙眼园土壤粪便当量负荷为19.14t/hm2条件下,距离鸡粪堆放中心20m、50m和150m处施用蛋鸡粪的龙眼园土壤全年平均细菌总数均显著高于不施用蛋鸡粪的橡胶园土壤(P<0.05),但采自龙眼园的不同土壤采样点间细菌总数无显著差异(P>0.05)。土壤粪大肠杆菌数在不同季节间无显著差异(P<0.05),但在不同采样点间差异显著,其中距离鸡粪堆放处20m、50m和150m处的龙眼园土壤全年平均粪大肠杆菌数的对数值均显著高于橡胶园土壤(P<0.05)。相对于不施用蛋鸡粪的橡胶园土壤,采自施用蛋鸡粪的龙眼园土壤与蛋鸡粪细菌多样性的相似性更高;由此得出直接施用新鲜蛋鸡粪可以导致龙眼园土壤微生物学性状发生变化。 By investigating the excrement load of longan orchard in laying hen farms, soil samples of longan garden with hen egg droppings and rubber plantations without hen droppings were collected at seasons, and the total number of soil bacteria, fecal coliform Number and bacterial diversity and other microbiological indicators to explore the direct application of laying hens on the soil microbial properties of longan orchard. The results showed that in the longan orchard garden soil manure equivalent load of 19.14t / hm2 conditions, 20m, 50m and 150m away from the chicken manure stacking center egg laying manure Longyan Park soil annual average bacterial count was significantly higher than the non-application of laying hens (P <0.05). However, there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in the total number of bacteria collected from different soil sampling sites in Longyan Garden. There was no significant difference (P <0.05) in the number of E. faecium between different seasons, but there was significant difference among different sampling sites. Among them, the average number of fecal coliform in soil of longan field at 20m, 50m and 150m Of the logarithm values ​​were significantly higher than the rubber plantation soil (P <0.05). Compared with the rubber plantation soil without applying layer of chicken manure, the similarity of the diversity of longan garden soil and layer chicken manure collected from laying hen dung was higher. It was concluded that the direct application of fresh layer chicken manure could lead to longan garden soil Microbiological traits change.
游戏准备:  在地上画一根直线,所有参赛的人平分成两组,列队站在直线后边,扮演袋鼠。每组的第一个人胸前挂一个袋子。在离直线30米的地方放一个大篓子,里面装各种各样的东西,当作超市。裁判给每种东西定价,并告诉大家。  游戏过程:  每队的第一只袋鼠双手抱在胸前,双脚蹦跳,迅速跳向大篓子,然后选一样自己认为价格比较贵的东西放入胸前的袋子里,再跳回队伍,把袋子递给第二只袋鼠。第二只袋鼠继续跳向大篓子,依
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