On the Holocene sea-level highstand along the Yangtze Delta and Ningshao Plain,East China

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binfeb91
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The temporal-spatial distribution of Neolithicsites shows a long period of absence of human settlementsduring the early Holocene on the Yangtze Delta, and the area has not been colonized until 7000 aBP, corresponding to the onset of the Majiabang culture. Besides the regions east to the sandbar of Maqiao Site in Shanghai, foraminifera are not found in Neolithic cultural layers since 7000 aBP, indicating a widespread transgression between 10000 and 7000 aBP.Evidence of radiocarbon-dated cultural relics, foraminifera and pollen records from the Hemudu Site suggests that the Hemudu culture emerged and developed during themid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Therefore, the hypothesisof a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand along the YangtzeDelta and Ningshao Plain from 7000 to 5000 aBP is an open debate. New evidence from archaeological excavations andbio-stratigraphy suggests that, prior to 7000 aBP, a high sea level occurred along the Ningshao Plain. Subsequently, the sea level was lowered between 7000 and 5000 aBP, and the area suffered from frequent floods from 5000 to 3900 aBP. The temporal-spatial distribution of Neolithicsites a long period of absence of human settlementsduring the early Holocene on the Yangtze Delta, and the area has not been colonized until 7000 aBP, corresponding to the onset of the Majiabang culture. Besides the regions east to the sandbar of Maqiao Site in Shanghai, foraminifera are not found in Neolithic cultural layers since 7000 aBP, indicating a widespread transgression between 10000 and 7000 aBP. Evidence of radiocarbon-dated cultural relics, foraminifera and pollen records from the Hemudu Site suggests that the the Hemudu culture emerged and developed during themid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Thus, the hypothesis of a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand along the Yangtze Delta and Ningshao Plain from 7000 to 5000 aBP is an open debate. New evidence from archaeological excavations andbio-stratigraphy suggests that, prior to 7000 aBP, a high sea level occurred along the Ningshao Plain. the, sea level was successfully betwe en 7000 and 5000 aBP, and the area suffered from frequent floods from 5000 to 3900 aBP.
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