Feng Boyi: I am Feng Boyi. I am not a member of the Academy of Fine Arts. I always say that I am a curator of rivers and lakes. Today I invited several important art guests plus me for a dialogue. I hope that today’s dialogue will have a more interactive approach besides our chatting and communication. Audiences do not have to stick to lectures. We have any questions that can stand up and ask questions or can sit with a guest dialogue. I just made a joke about the so-called college artist, whether this concept was established or how it should be defined. When discussing the topic of this lecture, the most important thing is to talk about whether contemporary art and college art are the most important thing in the contemporary Chinese art platform. Whether it is a phenomenon or not a problem, or whether there is a college art or not, What kind of relationship is art? What is the relationship between college art and contemporary art? In fact, our dialogue today is about such a question to discuss