
来源 :贵阳市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjiik
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贵阳市人民政府办公厅文件筑府办通[2010]75号各区、市、县人民政府,市直各部门,高新区、金阳新区管委会,各有关单位:会展业是全球经济发展的新兴产业,也是我市纵深推进生态文明城市建设的重要举措和重点培育发展的重要产业之一。为了强化对我市会展业发展的组织、领导和协调,统筹安排各类大型会展、节庆、赛事活动 Guiyang Municipal People’s Government General Office Document Zhufu Office Office [2010] No. 75 District, City, County People’s Government, City Direct Department, High-tech Zone, Jinyang New District Administrative Committee, All Related Units: Convention and Exhibition Industry is the Emerging Development of Global Economy Industry is also one of the important measures taken by the city to promote the construction of an ecologically-civilized city in depth and one of the key industries for fostering development. In order to strengthen the organization, leadership and coordination of the development of convention and exhibition industry in our city, we will make arrangements for all types of large-scale exhibitions, festivals and events.
【路透社印尼雅加达2007年2月23日电】Antara新闻社2007年2月23日报道,预计将于2016年建设的印尼首台1000 MW核电机组的造价估计为15亿美元。 Reuters Jakarta, Indonesia,
[本刊消息]据可靠消息,1994年硕士研究生入学考试英语试卷的结构有一些变动.1994年的试卷由以下部分组成(并附各题分数分配情况): [Newsletter] According to reliable sou
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当新年的阳光照进编辑部的窗台,我们意识到,《家庭医药》已经步入办刊的第10个年头。十年光阴荏苒,《家庭医药》从发行量不足1万,发展到现 When the New Year’s Sun shines
Coyotes love to eat lamb. So do stray dogs. Together they cost U. S. sheep farmers more than 20 million dollars in 1990 alone. Many farmers use trained dogs as
巨大的工作压力、复杂的人际沟通、长期不规律的作息方式、不健康饮食以及女性本身的生理特点使众多的都市白领女性们需要面对比男人们更多的问题:长期处于亚健康状态,每天疲乏无力、抵抗力下降;神经衰弱、入眠困难,失眠多梦;身材走样,时时需要考虑减肥塑身等问题……难怪有人感慨:“做女人难,做一个成功的女人更是难上加难。”  前不久在上海世博会上,一种名为唐生肉的猪肉品牌被评为上海世博会唯一肉类金奖,据说,这种
When fully completed, London’s Hammersmith Hospital will have all imaging data X-rays, ultrasonic, CT and MRI images stored as digital data on optical discs.