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2009年3-5月,《课堂内外》在重庆市近200所中小学校中进行了中小学生作文问题调查。收回答卷20万份,汇总分析的结果是:58.42%的学生对作文兴趣不大;21.37%的学生“很害怕”作文;除了老师布置的作文之外,71.58%的学生不愿意再去写任何文章;61.58%的学生对老师批改的作文“只看分数或评语”;有42.4%的学生不知道作文写什么。这样的调查结果一出炉,让很多从事语文教学的教师们大吃一惊:为什么中小学生作文问题会这么严重?对这个问题的看法,虽然是仁者见仁,智者见智。但有一个基本共识,就是在应试教育的重压下,学生课堂学习任务过重,没有时间进行课外阅读,更难走出课堂开展丰富多彩的社会实践活动,处于读死书,半封闭状态,写起作文来,无话可说,久而久之,对作文望而生畏。这也说明,要搞好作文教学,课堂内外要兼顾。但是,这个兼顾是篇大文章,说起来容易做起来难,需要改革和创新。希望从事语文教学的教师们,就此问题进行积极的思考和探索,并将成功经验总结出来,寄予本刊交流。 From March to May 2009, the “Inside and Outside the Classroom” conducted a survey of primary and secondary school students’ compositions in nearly 200 primary and secondary schools in Chongqing. As a result, a total of 200,000 copies of the questionnaire were received. As a result of the summary analysis, 58.42% of the students showed little interest in writing, 21.37% of the students were very afraid of writing, and 71.58% of the students were unwilling to go Write any article; 61.58% of the students modify the composition of the teacher “only look at scores or reviews ”; 42.4% of students do not know what to write essay. As a result of such a survey, many teachers engaged in language teaching have been greatly surprised by the fact that the problem of composition of primary and secondary school pupils will be so serious. Although the views of the benevolent and the wise are different from those of the wise, However, there is a basic consensus that under the weight of examination-oriented education, students are overloaded with tasks in class, they do not have time to read extracurricular activities, and it is even harder for them to go out of class to carry out rich and colorful social practice activities. From the composition, nothing to say, over time, daunting to the composition. This also shows that we should do a good job writing teaching, both inside and outside the classroom should take into account. However, this compromise is a big article, which is easier said than done and requires reform and innovation. Teachers who wish to engage in Chinese teaching should actively think and explore the issue and summarize the successful experience and place them in exchanges.
35美国海军EA-6B型“徘徊者”电子干扰机 35 US Navy EA-6B “Prowler” electronic jamming machine
01级女生晓惠,由于父母离异,随父亲生活。父亲忙于工作,根本就顾不上孩子,只有放任自流,晓惠成绩下滑得厉害,尤其是数学。这年本校学生必须参加全市语、数两科统考,若不合格,就拿不到毕业证。在这巨大的压力面前,临近结业考试,晓惠突然失踪,找回家后,不论父亲和亲戚怎么劝导,晓惠只是哭,不说话,也不作任何回应。  晓惠已经形成了典型的厌学心理,成因有:  1.生活在离异家庭,残缺的家庭环境对孩子心理行为有
如同一张发黄的黑白照片放置在角落中被遗忘,一段历史在时间的消磨下逐渐褪色。20世纪,俄国“十月革命”胜利后,一支沙俄军队溃逃进中国境内,被中国政府解除武装后安置在甘肃境内,这支由沙皇将军阿年科夫率领的500残军安置敦煌期间,对莫高窟壁画和彩绘严重损毁,后来又被转送到兰州,几年后,这支异国军队残部突然消失。  为厘清这段往事的来龙去脉,笔者对此进行了采访调查。  羊寨村的“洋人庄廓”  前不久,记者
介绍了中国登陆艇船的发展概况,这对热心军事科技的青年朋友是有盗的。不过,请记住,中国登陆艇船的研制可不是为了进攻,而是现代国防建设、保家卫国的需要。 Introduced the