
来源 :中国农学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JeffreyHua
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1989年平度市在夏玉米生产上应用了综合丰产技术,获得92.5万亩夏玉米,亩产453公斤的好收成,比前3年的平均亩产增加38.3公斤,增产9.24%。综合丰产技术主要措施如下: 1.统一供应高产良种在几年的试验,示范的基础上,选定增产潜力较大的中晚熟、紧凑型鲁玉2号杂交种作为当家种,搭配种植沈单7号和丹玉13号。按品种布局方案,由市种子公司统一进行种子发芽试验后,统一供种到乡镇种子站,并统一供种到村到户,保证每个乡、镇、村庄成方连片,统一种植一个品种,良种良法配套,便于统一进行 In 1989, Pingdu City applied comprehensive high yield technology on summer maize production, obtaining 925,000 mu of summer maize and gaining 453 kilograms per mu, a gain of 38.3 kilograms and an increase of 9.24% over the previous 3 years. The main measures for comprehensive high yielding technology are as follows: 1. Uniform supply of high-yielding seeds On the basis of several years of experiments and demonstrations, selecting medium-late-maturing and medium-late-maturing, compact Luyu No.2 hybrids with large potential for yield increase as the breeding species, 7 and Dan Yu 13. According to the variety layout plan, the seed seed companies of the city shall unify the seed germination test and uniformly supply the seeds to the township seed stations and provide unified supply of seeds to the villages, ensuring that every township, town and village are contiguous with one species and planting one species uniformly Good variety of good law, easy to unify
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在大学英语教学过程中应通过更新教育思想观念,把传授知识、培养能力和提高素质融为一体,从而推进大学英语的素质教育问题。在此加以阐述。 In the process of college Engl
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