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党的十四届六中全会给我们文艺战线吹来了阵阵和煦的春风,特别是全国六次文代会、五次作代会的胜利召开,使文艺界迎来了又一个明媚的春天。中央政治局委员的全体同志出席了会议,江总书记两次走上舞台引吭高歌,与艺术家们联袂演唱《祖国歌》、《歌唱祖国》,展现出党和国家第三代领导集体的魅力和风采。春风化雨,春光送暖,文艺百花园万紫千红,呈现出一派兴旺发达,朝气蓬勃的景象.我们新戏这片繁华的绿洲也同样沐浴在党的阳光雨露之中。 安徽襟江带淮,人杰地灵,历来被誉为泱泱戏剧大省。拥有徽剧、黄梅戏、花鼓戏、梆子戏、泗州戏、庐剧、京剧、话剧等诸剧种。安徽还是徽班的发源地,京剧鼻祖程长庚就是从这里走上京城,走进中国戏曲史重要的一章,成为一代宗师。去年是程长庚诞辰185周年。戏曲界群贤毕至,云集安徽,共同纪念这位戏曲界大师。会议中大家不免要谈到黄山黄梅,谈到严凤英、马兰,谈到《天仙配》、《女驸马》、《红楼梦》《无事生非》,还谈到黄梅戏电视剧的屡屡获奖和黄梅戏在全国乃至东南亚愈来愈大的影响,评价颇高。但我去参加全国“五个一工程”评奖会,看到京剧、越剧、川剧、赣剧、秦腔、沪剧、梆子戏等剧种屡屡获奖,不断捧走“五个一工程”的彩色桂冠时,心里不免有点不是滋味。安庆韩再芬 The Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party brought us a warm spring breeze to our art and literature front. In particular, the victory of the Sixth National Congress of the Chinese People’s Congress and the Fifth National Congress of the People’s Republic of China convened to usher in another bright spring of art and literature. All the members of the Central Committee Political Bureau attended the meeting. General Secretary Jiang took to the stage twice to sing and sing together with the artists the “Song of the Motherland” and the song “Singing the Motherland.” This shows the charm and style of the party and the third generation of the country’s leadership . Spring breeze, warm spring, literary hundred colorful gardens, showing a group of thriving developed, vibrant scene of our new play this bustling oasis also bathed in the sunshine and rain among the party. Anhui with the Huaijiang Gap, old times, has always been hailed as a big drama opera province. WithHui Opera, Huangmei Opera, Flower Drum Opera, Bangzi opera, Sizhou opera, Lu opera, Peking Opera, drama and other opera. Anhui is also the birthplace of emblem class, Beijing opera ancestor Cheng Chang Geng is from here on the capital, into the important chapter of the history of Chinese opera, a generation of master. Last year was Cheng Chang-geng’s 185th anniversary. The opera group Qu Yin completed, gathered in Anhui, to commemorate the master of the opera world. Meeting we can not help but talk about Huangshan Huangmei, speaking of Yan Fengying, Ma Lan, talked about “angel match”, “Nu Wa Ma”, “Dream of Red Mansions” “nothing”, also talked about the Huangmei drama often award-winning and Huangmei opera in the country and Southeast Asia To the greater impact, evaluation is high. However, when I went to participate in the “Five-Project” awarding ceremony in China, I saw that the operas of Peking Opera, Yue Opera, Sichuan Opera, Jiangxi Opera, Shaanxi Opera, Shanghai Opera, Can not help but feel a bit. Anqing Han Fen
为研究拮抗菌株NF83-1的分类与生物学特性以及评价其生防能力,通过生理生化特征和16S rRNA基因序列分析对菌株NF83-1进行种属鉴定,以选择性培养基检测其分泌的多种胞外酶,以
广西壮族自治区第五届剧展总展演于2 0 0 0年元月 2日至 1 4日在首府南宁市隆重举行。至此 ,广西第五届剧展历时年余 ,圆满结束。本届剧展分展演和总展演两个阶段。 1 2个地
营火燃起来了,在夏天的梦境里跳跃;营火亮起来了,在夜晚的嘴唇上闪烁。 营火唤来了一只只流萤,在我们的营地上飞翔穿梭,营火惊飞了一只只小鸟,拍着翅膀唱起了夜歌;微风在叶