34 位老人的“家长”

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一位离异妇女,既抚养自己的儿女,又赡养着34名孤寡老人。她就是河南省虞城县张集镇女民兵范索云。范索云从小心地善良。童年家境贫寒,受过好心人关照和尊老爱幼教诲的她也喜欢关爱人。一位6旬孤寡老人生活孤独困难欲寻短见被群众发现。还在读高小的范索云主动当老人“孙女”照顾老人。中学毕业后回家务农,她索性把老人接到家里,像姥姥一样看待,直到10多年后老人满足地离开人世。其间,爱人很不理解,与她分了手。范索云的善良感动了干部、群众。人们极力推荐她担任镇敬老院的负责工作。30多位五保老人的敬老院仅有范索云和一位厨师,范索云像对亲爹娘一样赡养、爱护着老人。敬老院里 A divorced woman raised her own children and supported 34 lone elderly people. She is Yucheng County, Henan Province, Zhang Jizhen female militia fan cloud. Fan Suoyun carefully from the good. Childhood poor family, well-intentioned care and respect for her childhood education she also like to love people. A 60-year-old living alone lonely widowed to find short-sighted by the masses. Still studying the tall and small Fan Suyun active when the “granddaughter” take care of the elderly. After returning home from agriculture after graduating from high school, she simply took the old man home and treated her like a grandmother, until after more than 10 years, she met her and left. In the meantime, the lover did not understand, broke up with her. Fan Soyun’s kindness touched cadres and the masses. It is highly recommended that she be in charge of town nursing home. More than 30 elderly people’s homes for the elderly are only Fan Suoyun and a chef, Fan Suoyun like supportive parents, love the elderly. In the nursing home
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