Summer Palace Partners With Dragonair To Offer Brand-New In-Flight Menu

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  Summer Palace restaurant at China World Hotel Beijing would like to announce its collaboration with Dragonair to offer passengers a brand-new Chinese cuisine in-flight menu. Passengers taking Dragonair flights from Beijing to Hong Kong will be able to enjoy a range of dishes from this newly introduced menu starting 16 May.
  The newly designed Chinese menu was created by the team at Summer Palace restaurant. The award-winning restaurant is famous for its combination of classic Cantonese fare and light, creative Huaiyang cuisine. Summer Palace chefs Kenny Chan and Hou Xinqing have worked together to create this delicious menu for Dragonair.
  The Chinese dishes on this brand-new in-flight menu represent the most popular dishes at Summer Palace, our “classics.” Tomato Jelly with Goose Liver, a marriage of Eastern and Western ingredients, is known for its delicate and rich flavor. Braised Pork Rib With Egg and Dark Soy Sauce is a renowned Huaiyang dish where the meat is simmered in cooking wine with ginger and spring onion for over two hours, ensuring it is succulent and tender. Another highlight of the dish is the eggs, braised for hours in a pork gravy that lends the dish a special aroma.
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