
来源 :催化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyanmeimei
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Vanadium phosphorus oxide (VPO) catalysts were synthesized by the dihydrate method which involved the two steps for the preparation of the dihydrate (VOPO4 2H2 O) and the precursor hemi-hydrate (VOHPO4 0.5H2 O). Bi and Ni salt were added into the mixture of VOPO4 2H2 O and isobu-tanol, and the obtained precursors were calcined in a flow of a n-butane/air mixture to produce the promoted VPO catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorp-tion- desorption, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, scanning electron mi-croscopy (SEM), and H2 temperature-programmed reduction (H2 -TPR). Their catalytic properties were tested using a fixed-bed microreactor. All the catalysts gave main XRD peaks at 2θ = 22.9°, 28.5°, and 30.0°, attributing to the (020), (204), and (221) planes of the pyrophosphate phase (VO)2 P2 O7, respectively. The promoted catalysts have smaller crystallite size and higher specific surface areas. SEM micrographs revealed the formation of more prominent plate-like crystallites that were arranged as rosette clusters. H2 -TPR results showed that the promoted catalysts had lower reduction peak temperatures and possessed higher amounts of V5+-O2– and V4+-O– pairs, which gave higher selectivity and activity in the selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride. Vanadium phosphorus oxide (VPO) catalysts were synthesized by the dihydrate method which involve the two steps for the preparation of the dihydrate (VOPO4 2H20) and the precursor hemi-hydrate (VOHPO4 0.5H20). Bi and Ni salts were added into the mixture of VOPO4 2H2 O and isobu-tanol, and the obtained precursors were calcined in a flow of a n-butane / air mixture to produce the promoted VPO catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) tion-desorption, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, scanning electron mi-croscopy (SEM), and H2 temperature-programmed reduction (H2 -TPR). Their catalytic properties were tested using a fixed-bed microreactor. The promoted catalysts have smaller crystallite (XRD) peaks at 2θ = 22.9 °, 28.5 °, and 30.0 °, attributing to the (020), (204), and (221) planes of the pyrophosphate phase size and higher specific surface areas. SEM micrographs reveale H2 -TPR results showed that the promoted catalysts had lower reduction peak temperatures and possessed higher amounts of V5 + -O2- and V4 + -O-pairs, which gave higher selectivity and activity in the selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride.
目的 观察米索前列醇产后阴道置药预防产后出血的疗效。方法 选择 51 2例住院分娩者随机分为 3组 :米索前列醇组、催产素组及米索前列醇 +催产素组 (合用组 )。米索前列醇
我们采用硬膜外腔注入低浓度吗啡布比卡因、氟哌啶、灭吐灵混合液或单纯吗啡用于术后镇痛,效果较好,报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 80例ASA~级的健康足月产妇随机分
1 病例资料患者女性 ,56岁 ,维族。因绝经 3年 ,阴道大量流液伴下腹痛半年 ,于 1 998年 6月 4日入院。既往月经周期正常 ,53岁绝经 ,孕6 产6。自 1 997年1 2月开始出现阴道