CPAFFC President Chen Haosu Receives Ukrainian Order of Merit

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  Yurii Kostenko, the Ukrainian Ambassador to China, pre-sented the Order of Merit ThirdGrade to CPAFFC President ChenHaosu at a ceremony held in theCPAFFC Peace Palace on the af-ternoon of November 3.
November 19, 2010 is a day that can go down the history ofworld navigation. Six brave menfrom French Polynesia and the CookIslands in the South Pacific Oceaneventually arrived at Mawei (see thephoto a
On December 2, 1977, the CPAFFC held a grand reception in the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the 80th birthday of Rewi Alley, an old friend from New Zealand. Comrade Deng Xiaoping attended the
You may ask what has motivated a European to carry out years ofresearch on the two princesses of theChinese Tang Dynasty. To explainthat, I need to g9 back to our first tripto China in 1985; I had no
Yangzhou puts friendship first while paying attention to achieving practical results in its contact with its international friendship cities. It has carried out fruitful exchanges and cooperation in t
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I nvitcd by the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation (SU/SSC) under the United Nations De-velopment Program (UNDP), a50-member delegation of mayors ofsmall and medium-sized Chinesecities led by CP
From June 1 to 10, a CPAFFC delegation led by its president Chen Haosu attended the Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit and the UCLG World Council Meeting in Copenhagen, Demark.   The Lo
The activity of Yangzhou Friend- ship Day. Shanghai World Expoinitiated by the Bureau of ShanghaiWorld Expo Coordination (BSWEC)was organized by the Yangzhou Mu-nicipal Government July 7-9, 2010.Some
The 62nd UN DPI/NGO Annual Conference was convened in Mexico City, capital of Mexico from September 9 to 11. The CPAFFC sent a delegation to attend the conference.  More than 1,400 NGO representatives
At the invitation of the China-Malaysia Friendship Association, a 96-member Chinese youth dance delegation organized by the CPAFFC and the Chinese Dancers Association, went to Pinang, a famous tourist