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从前,有一个技艺高超的木匠做了个木头女孩,与世间女子毫无差别。有一个画师听说后,非常敬仰,就备好酒食,去木匠家拜访。两人喝酒到深夜,木匠说:“夜已深,就让侍女陪您就寝吧。”说完,自己进屋去了。画师见这女子容颜娇好,便招手让她过来,但女子还是站着不动,画师便上前拉她的手,一拉方知是个木头人,这才明白受了木匠的捉弄。次日一早,木匠过来看画师 Once upon a time, a skilled carpenter made a wood girl, no difference with the world of women. After an artist learned that he was very adored, he prepared the food and drink and visited the carpenter’s home. They drank into the middle of the night, the carpenter said: “The night is deep, let the maid accompany you to sleep.” "Finish, went into the room. The painter saw this woman’s face, and waved her over, but the woman stood still, and the painter stepped forward to pull her hand. As soon as she learned that she was a wooden man, she realized that she had been teased by the carpenter. Early the next morning, the carpenter came to see the artist
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为了更好地开展弱视的防治工作,以利早期发现、早期治疗,于1984年2~3月间对本市2个幼儿园的348名朝鲜族儿童进行视力、眼位及色觉检查。现将视力和眼位调查结果报告如下。 I
最近,河南省发改委组织专家,通过了4家造纸企业“资源节约和环境保护2009年中央预算内投资备选项目”评审,通过了一家造纸企业“2009年国家节能 Recently, the Henan Provin
黑龙江日报2010-5-11报道:哈尔宾洽谈会签约台项目名称:100万吨纸浆项目一期工程——30万吨硫酸盐针叶木浆项目;时间:2008年第十九届哈洽会;签约方:佳 Heilongjiang Daily 2
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世界大战的若干年后,史丹利·库珀写了这么一段诗:他们称之,终结一切战争的战争。相信的人儿如此天真,如今已带着荣耀往生。不知此话,没有半句是真。(The War to End All War