增强企业消化能力 开拓提高经济效益的新门路

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1982年以来,由于全国纺织行业生产不够景气,加上能源、原材料涨价,工资和费用标准提高等因素的影响,我省纺织企业经济效益急剧下降。全省纺织企业税利从1981年的20.8亿元减为1984年的13.4亿元,下降了35.6%。面对这种情况,我省纺织企业没有向国家伸手,要求减税让利;没有将产品变相涨价,在消费者身上打主意;而是面向自己,挖掘潜力,取得了较好的效果。1985年全省纺织企业消化原材料、能源涨价等减利因素3.7亿元,实现产值120.31亿元,比上年增长11.9%,实现税利15.4亿元,比上年增长15%。今年有2.3亿元的客观减利因素,上半 Since 1982, due to the lack of prosperity in the national textile industry, coupled with the impact of rising energy and raw materials prices, wage and expense standards, the economic benefits of textile enterprises in our province have dropped dramatically. The tax profits of the province’s textile enterprises decreased from 2.08 billion yuan in 1981 to 1.34 billion yuan in 1984, a decrease of 35.6%. Faced with this situation, the province’s textile companies did not reach out to the country, demanding tax cuts and benefits; did not disguise the price of the product in disguise, in the minds of consumers; but for themselves, tap potential, and achieved good results. In 1985, the province’s textile companies digested raw materials, energy prices and other profit-reducing factors 370 million yuan, the production value of 120.31 billion yuan, an increase of 11.9% over the previous year, the tax profit of 1.54 billion yuan, an increase of 15% over the previous year. This year, there is an objective reduction factor of 230 million yuan, the first half
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为了跟上涉及胚胎移植的其它美国公司的步伐,University Genetics(UGEN)宣布与一家英国公司联合,并且已在中国开始了合同工作。UGEN投资成立一家风险公司 To keep up with
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