河南省虞城县店集乡惠楼村,常年种植山药约130公顷。从1995年开始,我们在该村推广普及山药高产栽培技术,平均产量在30000公斤/公顷以上。目前,该村山药产品销往北京、上海、南京、乌鲁木齐、西宁等地,年创经济效益100万元以上,现将山药高产栽培技术介绍如下: 1.选用优良品种 我们引进淮山药类型的小红皮品种,该品种个大,生长势强,品质极佳,产量较高。
Yucheng County, Henan Province shop set Hui village, perennial planting about 130 hectares. Since 1995, we have popularized the high-yield cultivation techniques of yam in the village, with an average output of more than 30,000 kg / ha. At present, the village yam products are sold to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Urumqi, Xining and other places, the annual economic benefits of 1000000 yuan, now high yam cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. Selection of fine varieties we introduce small yam type Red varieties, the variety of a large, strong growth potential, excellent quality, high yield.