
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a372092
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美国的幼儿教育认为对孩子听、看、闻及触摸等感觉能力的培养比知识、概念的灌输重要。未满周岁的孩子便由父母带着到公立图书馆、博物馆观看各种图书及陈列物品;静静的摇篮边或婴儿车旁父母在给根本听不懂的孩子读故事、放音乐。大一点的孩子常有机会去农场观看鸡、牛、羊等动物的生活习性,并可向管理员提各种各样的问题。美国不少儿童公园设有小马、小牛之类的动物栏,老师让儿童把手放在动物背上触摸其皮肤。在厨房里,孩子们有资格帮助妈妈做肉丸、面食。在幼儿园,老师把孩子带到沙坑里滚,让其了解沙是怎么回事;在水槽边,老师用各种质量不同的物体让孩子知道什么东西浮,什么东西沉;在地板上,孩子们知道了什么东西可以滚,什么只能滑动,什么移动较困难。 Early childhood education in the United States believes that it is more important to train children’s ability to sense, hear, hear and touch than to instill knowledge and concepts. Under-age children are taken to the public library by their parents, the museum to watch a variety of books and display items; quiet cradle or pram next to the parents do not understand children read stories and play music. Older children often have the opportunity to go to the farm to watch the habits of animals such as chickens, cattle and sheep and raise questions with administrators. Many children’s parks in the United States have pens, calves and the like, and teachers let children put their hands on the animal’s back to touch their skin. In the kitchen, children are eligible to help mums make meatballs and pasta. At kindergarten, the teacher took the child to the sandpit and let them know what the sand was. On the edge of the sink, the teacher used various objects of different qualities to let the child know what floated and what was sinking. On the floor, the child We know what can be rolled, what can only slide, what is more difficult to move.
住在可爱的房间里,做着可爱的美梦,该是多么美好!    “本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文” 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
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百万庄设计之合理,布局之幽雅,质量之上乘,直叫今天的“豆腐渣”工程汗颜。如今中国就是一个举世无双的“超级工地”,欣欣向荣之际,也埋藏着质量低劣的危机。 Million villa
2007年9月8日,诺贝尔物理学奖得主丁肇中教授来到了他的母校——我们南京南昌路小学参观。丁教授还没进校门,我们就迫不及待地举起鲜花,“丁爷爷您好,欢迎欢迎!”地 On Sept