Effects of IGF-Ⅱand TGF-β1 on invasiveness of placental trophoblast cells in patients with pregnancy

来源 :生殖医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahde2006
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Objective: This study was to investigate the invasiveness of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) trophoblast cells and evaluate the effects of IGF-Ⅱand TGF-β1 on cytotrophoblast invasion.Methods: Cytotrophoblast cells from normal and PIH placenta were separated and purified. Cytotrophoblast invasiveness of normal and PIH placenta was measured by in vitro invasion assay. Effects of IGF-Ⅱand TGF-β1 on cytotrophoblast invasion were also studied.Results: In PIH group, cytotrophoblast invasiveness was dramatically decreased. In normal group, trophoblast invasiveness was significantly enhanced by IGF-Ⅱ but inhibited by TGF-β1. Neither IGF-Ⅱ nor TGF-β1 had statistically significant effects on PIH trophoblast invasion.Conclusions: PIH cytotrophoblast invasiveness dramatically decreases as compared to the normal level. IGF-Ⅱand TGF-β1 may play an important role in shallow trophoblast invasion on PIH. Objective: This study was to investigate the invasiveness of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) trophoblast cells and evaluate the effects of IGF-II and TGF-β1 on cytotrophoblast invasion. Methods: Cytotrophoblast cells from normal and PIH placenta were separated and purified. Cytotrophoblast invasiveness of normal and PIH placenta was measured by in vitro invasion assay. Effects of IGF-II and TGF-β1 on cytotrophoblast invasion were also studied. Results: In PIH group, cytotrophoblast invasiveness was dramatically decreased. In normal group, trophoblast invasiveness was significantly enhanced by IGF-II but inhibited by TGF- [beta] 1. Neither IGF-II nor TGF- [beta] l had significant significant effects on PIH trophoblast invasion. Conclusions: PIH cytotrophoblastosis decreased dramatically as compared to the normal level. IGF- important role in shallow trophoblast invasion on PIH
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