Determination of thermal conductivity of magnesium-alloys

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaiziaiaiai
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An indirect method, Angstroms method was adopted and an instrument was designed to determine the thermal conductivity of magnesium metal and alloys. Angstroms method is an axial periodic heat flow technique by which the thermal diffusivity can be measured directly. Then thermal conductivity can be obtained with relation to thermal diffusivity. Compared with the recommended data from the literature the fitted values of the thermal diffiusivity correspond with 3%, and the credible probability of the thermal conductivity in the range of 0 450 ℃ is about 95%. The method is applicable in the given temperature range. An indirect method, Angstroms method was adopted and an instrument was designed to determine the thermal conductivity of magnesium metal and alloys. Which thermal diffusivity can be directly measured. Compared with the recommended data from the literature the fitted value of the thermal diffiusivity correspond with 3%, and the credible probability of the thermal conductivity in the range of 0 450 ° C is about 95%. The method is applicable in the given temperature range.
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