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日本深圳协力会第五次会议于1991年12月7日在深圳举行。会议主要围绕90年代深圳经济发展战略、目标和为实现上述目标所应采取的措施、对策以及深日经济技术合作等问题展开广泛研讨。现将会议的主要内容归纳如下: 一、确立深圳在世界、亚太地区和中国国内的地位在世界经济国际化与地区化交错发展的潮流中,如何确立深圳在世界、亚太地区和中国国内的地位,一直是协力会所关心的问题。日本大和综研理事长、日本深圳协力会会长宫崎勇先生认为,深圳的发展,其意义不限于一个地区,深圳成功发展的模式将对中国其他地区、亚洲乃至整个世界经济起到波及效果。1、世界经济的趋势。为了明确深圳今后应有的地位,宫崎勇先生分析了当前世界政治经济形势、亚太经济形势以及日本经济现状,并对深圳应采取的对策作了提示。他认为东西方冷战时代已经结束,历史的潮流正向着“国际协调和和平”的方向发展。世界经济也出现了“无国境经济”的动向。这种潮流是不可逆转的。但同时,国际政治、经济方面秩序尚未形成,对解决现阶段的各种困难没有现成的办法,世界正处于“一个困难的时代”。 The 5th meeting of Japan’s Shenzhen Association was held on December 7, 1991 in Shenzhen. The meeting mainly focused on the economic development strategy and goals of Shenzhen in the 1990s, the measures to be taken to achieve the above objectives, the countermeasures and the economic and technological cooperation in deep Japan. The main contents of the conference are summarized as follows: I. Establishing Shenzhen’s Position in the World, Asia Pacific and China At the crossroads of internationalization and regionalization of the world economy, how to establish Shenzhen’s position in the world, Asia Pacific and China? , Has always been the concern of the association. Mr. Miyazaki Yuki, chairman of Japan’s Daiwa Institute of Comprehensive Research and president of Japan’s Shenzhen Association, believes that the development of Shenzhen is not limited in its scope to one area. The successful development of Shenzhen will have an impact on the economy in other parts of China, Asia and the entire world . 1, the trend of the world economy. In order to clarify the proper position of Shenzhen in the future, Mr. Miyazaki analyzed the current global political and economic situation, the economic situation in the Asia Pacific region and the current economic situation in Japan. He also suggested that Shenzhen should take the appropriate measures. He believes that the era of the Cold War between the East and the West has come to an end and that the trend of history is moving toward the direction of “international coordination and peace.” The world economy has also emerged as a “stateless economy”. This trend is irreversible. However, at the same time, the international political and economic order has not yet been established. There is no ready solution to the various difficulties at this stage and the world is in a “difficult time”.
A new method is proposed to numerically simulate problems of trains passing by each other at the same speed, and is implemented in UDF language of commercial so
在人造硬地场遍及世界的今天,温布尔登仍保持着古老的传统:幽静的天然坏境、平整的绿草地、木质的记分牌、穿戴整齐的球迷……而这些都传达着温网的优雅与独特。 Today, man
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<正> 亚太经济委员会是新的合作模式吗? 1989年11月,亚太经济委员会12国的外长和贸易部长在堪培拉举行了第一次会议。就当今世界的地区集团而言,该委员会从性质、目的、思想甚至成员构成上说,都不是非常典型的。首先,经济委员会是由一些在经济发展条件和水平、经济结构、文化、民族心理、历史传统和政治传统差别甚大的国家创立的。同时,工业发达国家和发展中国家是平等的伙伴。最后,不能不指出这样一个事