
来源 :空军政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ersand
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军政一致,军民一致,加强军政军民团结,历来是我党我军的优良传统和政治优势,是克敌制胜的一大法宝.但是长期的和平环境,使人们对军民间的鱼水之情和优良传统不象战争年代那样有着广泛和深切地感受和了解,人民群众更多地是通过军人的举止言行、作风纪律,来观察和评价部队,而少数军人缺乏自尊自爱,自身形象不好,也就会降低军队在人民群众心目中的地位.为此,邓小平主持军委工作后,抓的的一项重要工作,就是恢复我军热受人民的优良传统,使军队值得人民和地方尊重.他指出,地方要尊重军队,爱护、支持军队.军队在人民群众面前要有一个好的作风和形象.他在1985年军委扩大会议上讲话中指出,军队同志希望地方尊重军队,重视军队.这个意见是对的,我想,中央政治局、书记处和国务院在这方面需要搞个文件.但是我还要说,军队本身,特别是军队干部本身,自己要努力,要有一种表现,使军队值得人民和地方尊重.要使得军队值得人民和地方尊重,邓小平提出了四个方面的要求: Consistency of military and government, unification of military forces and civilians, and strengthening military and civilian solidarity have always been the fine traditions and political advantages of our party and our army, and a great magic weapon to defeat the enemy. However, the long-term peaceful environment has enabled people’s feelings and excellent traditions not to be associated with the military or the civilians. As widely and deeply felt and understood as in the war years, the masses of the people observed and evaluated the troops mostly through demeanor and discipline of the soldiers, and the lack of self-respect and self-image of the few soldiers reduced their own values Therefore, after Deng Xiaoping presided over the work of the CMC, an important task grasped by Deng Xiaoping is to restore our army’s fine tradition of being warmly held by the people and make the army worthy of respect by the people and places. "He pointed out that local Respect for the army, love for and support the army, and the army must have a good style and image in front of the masses of the people.He pointed out in his speech to the 1985 enlargement conference of the Central Military Commission that the army comrades hope that the localities will respect the army and attach importance to the army. This view is correct, I think the Central Bureau of Political Science, the Secretariat and the State Council need to file a document in this regard, but I would also like to say that the army itself, especially the army cadres themselves, We must work hard and have a performance that makes the army worthy of respect by the people and places. To make the army worthy of respect by the people and places, Deng Xiaoping made four demands:
黎启天,男籍贯广东信宜。现居东莞。参加第3l届“青春诗会”。出版有诗集《你刮了胡子就跟我一样年轻》《伶仃洋叹歌》《多么伤心的夜晚》(与人合著);策编黎大彝诗文集《来自1937年的火把》;曾创办“单相思”诗歌网论坛。  日出珠江口,月出珠江口  饿疯了的狼群,来到大海深处  撕咬与嗥叫  帆影点燃一排排急浪  我看见海浪伸出了腥味的舌头  我看见海浪举起一簇簇狂舞的手  我看见轻盈的身影没有被海浪带
如果可以以树为友,那我选择枣庄青檀。  戊寅孟夏,在枣庄市峄城西四公里处的青檀山上,我和青檀一见如故。山阳揽一脉幽谷,有石径相盘。循径登高,便见大大小小、姿态各异的青檀树,或前或后,或左或右,杂生于山石间。  青檀山,唐代时还叫云峰山,山有云峰寺,谷称云峰谷。许是辈辈百姓见江山嬗变,世事沧桑,只有青檀模样不变、习性不改,才约定俗成,易名为青檀山的吧?于是谷也呼为青檀谷,寺也喊成青檀寺了。  山,以
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不知道有多少文人墨客拜谒过韩城的司马迁祠了。  我每每来到塬下最先映入眼帘的就是斜斜的司马道,那条古道倚靠在高高厚厚的黄土塬畔,有九十九个台阶,从塬下一直伸到司马祠的门前,敦厚的石板已被经久不息的踩踏变得坑坑洼洼,光滑的或粗糙的石阶尽显二干多年的风雨侵蚀,似乎每一层台棱都会找到历史凝聚在瞬间的慨叹。也许是坡度太陡的缘故,也许是朝拜圣贤的心境使然,有人会爬得气喘吁吁,累得一步三晃,想扑倒在石阶上向塬