长虹立下凌云志 跻身世界五百强——访长虹电子集团总经理倪润峰

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北京名牌资产评估事务所提供,’96长虹品牌价值122.08亿元,而说起长虹彩电今日的辉煌,就不能不提起它的当家人——公司董事长、总经理倪润峰。这两个月,倪润峰双喜临门:8月16日,世界贸易中心主任纽曼首次为他颁发了“国际优秀企业家贡献奖”,这是中国电子行业唯一得主;在党的十五次代表大会上,他当选为中央候补委员。倪润峰当选中央候补委员后,心情特别激动。他说,改革开放特别是十四大的路线、方针、政策引导长虹走上了产业报国、振兴民族工业之路,使长虹完成了由单一的军品生产到军民品结合的战略转移,由生产型到生产经营型、再到资本开拓型的成功过渡。仅用5年时间,长虹实现了销售额、利润和积累的净资产增长20到22倍的辉煌业绩。公司近年来生产运行、营销战略的成功,归功于党的十四大精神的指引,归功于公司全体员工的努力。在十五大精神的指引下,公司将加大改革、发展的步伐,在抓大放小、搞活国企、实行股份制改造方面大胆探索、积极开拓,取得更好的成绩,不辜负党和人民对长虹的期望。 Beijing Famous Brand Assets Appraisal Firm provided that the ’96 Changhong brand value was 12.208 billion yuan. When talking about the brilliance of Changhong TV today, it is imperative to mention its family, the chairman and general manager of the company, Ni Runfeng. In the past two months, Ni Runfeng had a double happiness: On August 16th, Newman, director of the World Trade Center, presented him with the “International Excellent Entrepreneur Contribution Award” for the first time. This is the only winner in the Chinese electronics industry; at the party’s 15th Congress. He was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. After Ni Runfeng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Government, he was particularly excited. He said that reforms and opening up, especially the line, principles, and policies of the 14th National Party Congress, led Changhong to embark on the road to serve the country and revitalize the national industry. This enabled Changhong to complete a strategic shift from a single military production to a combination of military and civilian products. The successful transition to production and operation and capital development. In only five years, Changhong achieved a brilliant performance of 20- to 22-fold growth in sales, profits and accumulated net assets. The success of the company’s production, operation, and marketing strategy in recent years was attributed to the party’s 14th-century spirit and to all its employees. Under the guidance of the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the company will step up the pace of reform and development. It will boldly explore and actively explore in the process of grasping the large and small, invigorating state-owned enterprises, and reforming the joint-stock system, and achieve better results, not letting the party and the people Changhong’s expectations.
一、规模 第一条生产线 600吨/年 正在全速生产请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 I. Scale The first production line of 600 tons/year is being produced at
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