使出浑身解数 揣透命制意图——迎战中考填空压轴题的制胜法宝

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在中考数学卷中,既有检测当地考生掌握数学必备基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本方法的实时监测功能,又有着选拔功能。所以,中考数学试卷中设置几道区分度极高的精致难题显得尤为必要。本文笔者就以近年来江苏省南通市中考填空题中的压轴题为例,谈谈如何从审题中揣透命题者的命制意图,从解法中感悟压轴题的可爱面庞,从反思中挖掘知识点的深度组合。例1.(2012年南通中考填空压轴题) In the math test volume, both the detection of local candidates to master the necessary basic knowledge of mathematics, basic skills, basic ideas, basic methods of real-time monitoring, but also has the selection function. Therefore, it is very necessary to set several exquisite problems of high distinction in the senior high school entrance examination papers. In this paper, the writer takes the finale in Nantong City in Jiangsu Province in recent years as an example. He talks about how to find out the life intention of the proponent from the trial examinations, to comprehend the adorable face of the finale from the solution, and to excavate the knowledge from the reflections The depth of points combination. Example 1. (2012 Nankong filling vacancies in the field test questions)
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