,Simulation of (p,d) reaction on RIBLL2 for study of tensor force

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slayerwei
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In order to study the effect of tensor force, we plan to perform a (p,d) reaction with a 400–1600 MeV proton beam on the RIBLL2 at Lanzhou. Based on the experimental conditions of RIBLL2, a Monte Carlo method is used to simulate (p,d) reaction process. The distributions of primary beam and scattered deuterons are given on the target and at the F1, F2, F3, and F4 positions. Considering the yield of the deuteron, to separate the produced deuteron from the background particles, the target thickness is optimized. To obtain a clear particle identification spectrum by time of fl ight (TOF) and energy loss (?E ), the distance between the two detectors, as well as the energy and timing resolution of detectors are simulated. As a result, the distance between F2 and F4 is fit for that of TOF. After taking into account the particle distribution at F4, both sizes of Multi-Wire Drift Chamber, namely MWDC2 and MWDC3, are selected to be 50 mm × 50 mm.
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