
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linqingxia15
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目的:为了解2009年我区不同人群艾滋病感染情况,密切掌握当前艾滋病在我区流行动态,切实为制定防控对策提供依据。方法:采用双抗原夹心酶联免疫法,作为HIV抗体检测的初筛试剂。结果:2009年HIV抗体检测共7760例,其中自愿咨询检测154例,呈阳性人数4人,阳性率25.97‰,孕产期检测2348例,呈阳性人数2人,阳性率0.85‰,公共场所人员检测3940例,呈阳性人数2人,阳性率0.51‰,术前检测130例及其他人员检测1188例均无呈阳性人数。结论:通过性接触传播是我区艾滋病传播的主要方式,因此除了加强艾滋病预防知识的宣传教育力度,还应该动员当地政府职能部门和相关部门及社会、企业、居住小区的负责同志重视精神文明建设,如果把预防控制与精神文明建设两手齐抓共管,才能有效地把艾滋病的传染减少到最低限度。 Objectives: In order to understand the situation of HIV / AIDS among different population groups in 2009 in our district, we should keep a close watch on the current epidemic situation of HIV / AIDS in our district and provide the basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods: Double antigen sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used as HIV screening reagent. Results: A total of 7760 HIV antibody tests were conducted in 2009, of which 154 were voluntary counseling and testing, 4 were positive, the positive rate was 25.97 ‰, 2348 were detected during pregnancy, 2 were positive, and the positive rate was 0.85 ‰. Public places staff 3940 cases were detected, 2 were positive, the positive rate was 0.51 ‰, preoperative test of 130 cases and 1188 cases of other personnel were detected positive number. Conclusion: Transmission through sexual contact is the main mode of HIV / AIDS transmission in our district. Therefore, in addition to strengthening publicity and education on HIV / AIDS prevention knowledge, responsible comrades of local government departments and relevant departments as well as social, business and residential communities should be mobilized to attach importance to the building of spiritual civilization If the prevention and control and the construction of spiritual civilization are both managed together, we can effectively reduce the transmission of AIDS to a minimum.
1 Silk Road:Monks,Warriors & Merchants on the Silk Road《丝绸之路上的僧侣、战士和商人》Author:Luce Boulnois Publisher:Odyssey Publications To the modern reader,
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1985年我考上巨野师范。在这之前,为了求学,我在外地的同学家中寄住,她的父亲是一名小学校长,我在那儿有机会结识了《山东教育》,并与之结下了不解之缘。 In 1985 I was adm