Korea Beefs Up Disinfection Against Foot And Mouth

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欧洲的疯牛病还没有从人们的记忆淡出,今年三月底以来。韩国又发生了可怕的牲畜口蹄疫(foot-and-mouth disease)。所谓“口蹄疫”,即偶蹄兽(牛,羊,猪等)的一种急性、接触性传染病。病原为病毒。通过病畜和被污染的饲料、褥草、用具和护理人员的衣物传播,经消化道,呼吸道等多种途径感染,传染性极强。病畜体温升高,口腔、面、蹄叉、蹄冠和乳房上发生水疱和烂斑,口流泡沫、时作喷嚏声、坡行、能够影响使役和泌乳。从下面这句可见“口蹄疫”的危害之烈:…which hit Taiwan in 1997, which forced the slaughter of a quarter of the island’s 14 million pigs and decimated(本义:大批杀害)its pork export industry.此外,本文标题中的beef up是一个常用的口语用语,意思是“加强,增强”。另如:The President has beefed up his staff.总统加强了他的工作班子。】 Europe’s mad cow disease has not faded from people’s memory since the end of March this year. A terrible livestock-foot-and-mouth disease has occurred in South Korea. The so-called “foot-and-mouth disease” is an acute and contact infectious disease of even-footed animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, etc.). The pathogen is a virus. It is transmitted through infected animals, contaminated feed, scabs, utensils, and nursing staff’s clothes. It is highly contagious through infections such as digestive tract and respiratory tract. The body temperature of sick animals rises, and blisters and rot spots occur in the mouth, face, hooves, hoofs, and breasts. The mouth foams, sneezes, and slopes, which can affect the service and lactation. From the following sentence, it can be seen that the “foot-and-mouth disease” is in jeopardy: ... in hit Taiwan in 1997, which forced the slaughter of a quarter of the island’s 14 million pigs and decimated (original: mass killing) its pork export industry. The beef up is a commonly used colloquial language that means “strengthen, enhance”. Another example: The President has beefed up his staff. The President has strengthened his team. 】
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