
来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longweii
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The award winning baby back ribs from America finally arrived in Beijing in March. Tony Roma’s hopes to bring with it the great American hospitality that many diners around the world have come to know. Using only the highest quality ingredients, the restaurant offers the widest range of ribs: from the tender, lean pork ribs cut from the choicest tenderloin, to the meaty, beef spare ribs. The Original Baby back ribs basted with smoky Tony The award winning baby back ribs from America finally arrived in Beijing in March. Tony Roma’s hopes to bring with the the good American hospitality that many diners around the world have come to know. Using only the highest quality ingredients, the restaurant offers the widest range of ribs: from the tender, lean pork ribs cut from the choicest tenderloin, to the meaty, beef spare ribs. The Original Baby back ribs basted with smoky Tony
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现将我们河南内黄东庄全羊菜中的几款特色菜介绍一下,供读者试做品尝 一、卤羊头 原料:新鲜羊头5个,花椒5g,八角5g,桂皮3g,草果3g,良姜4g,白芷4g,小茴香5g,丁香1粒,大葱10g,
四斗粮是湖北大冶的一个小村庄。第一次尝到四斗粮汤的美味,是它还“养在深闺人未识”的时候。 那一年春天下乡公干,在田间地头转了一上午,饥肠辘辘。随行的同事提议说,附近
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现在,越来越多的人愿在居室内摆上几盆花草,给家里增添些大自然的气息,为生活增加情趣。但是,在居室内养花,要注意以下几点: 居室养花不宜多因为绿色植物在进行光合作用时,