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人们常说,人老脚先老;还有的说,眼睛先老,牙齿先老,肠胃先老。而最确切的说法应该是,人体最容易衰老的是血管。人体各器官及组织的能量及养分供应要靠血液来运送,而动脉血管是运送血液的器官,一旦动脉血管发生病变,血液不能及时把能量和养分及时运送到身体各器官及组织,就会引起器官和组织发生病变,而加速人体的衰老进程,并引发各种疾病。血管老化以后由于全身各组织供血供氧受阻,表现在身体上的就是腿脚不灵便、四肢麻木、反应迟钝等,表现在组织及脏器的就是冠心病、脑中风等,所以 People often say that old people first grow old; others say that the first old eyes, the first old teeth, stomach first old. The most accurate statement should be that the human body is the most vulnerable to aging blood vessels. The body’s organs and tissues of the energy and nutrient supply to rely on the blood to transport, and arterial blood vessels to transport organs, once the arterial lesions, the blood can not timely delivery of energy and nutrients to the body organs and tissues, it will cause Organ and tissue lesions, but to speed up the body’s aging process, and trigger a variety of diseases. After the aging of the blood vessels as a result of blood supply to the body tissues blocked, manifested in the body is legs and feet are not flexible, limb numbness, unresponsive, manifested in tissues and organs is coronary heart disease, stroke and so on
上周,贵金属持续位居强势行业排行榜首位。这波因充裕流动性的推动,贵金属价格及其板块个股表现均呈现出较好的涨幅。但短期风险不容忽视。中国10月份CPI大幅 Last week, pr
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  Background: From 1997 to 2009, there were 1050 aged 15-24 adolescents committed suicide in Hong Kong, the suicide rates among these 14 years were between 5.