The film “Lone Star Blood and Tears” is a film based on Charles Dickens’ outstanding vision of “Great Expectations,” “Great Expectations,” and “Beautiful Future” by Charles Dickens, the outstanding 19th-century critical realist literature in Britain. of. Dickens was born in Portsea in southern England in 1812, loved to read literary works since childhood, after the family was poor, debt is high, the family moved to London. He had only been in school for two or three years and was an apprentice at a shoe shoe mill at the age of eleven, receiving a weekly salary and reuniting with parents and siblings in debt jails with money and food. In order to make ends meet, he sometimes worked as a solicitor for the lawyer, sometimes sending letters to the office, sometimes to the court as a stenographer, and sometimes to a newspaper office as a news reporter. Tough life made him very good