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高中是学生系统、正规学习政治科目的关键阶段,因此,高中政治教学的质量对学生是否能够为日后学习奠定坚实的基础有着重要影响。目前,在进行高中政治教学的过程中,学生是否能够理解并掌握政治知识内容,取决于教师是否能够运用科学、合理的教学方法来开展高效的课堂教学,所以,为了响应新课程标准提出的要求学生具有解决实际问题的能力且政治沟通水平能够达到一定标准,就必须对传统的政治课堂教学方法和策略进行调整。高中政治课堂生活化教学代替了传统的以教师说教为主的教学模式,收到了教师以及学生的一致好评,生活化教学是将政治知识与学生的生活实际相结合,不仅提高了学生的学习兴趣,同时也培养了学生观察能力、分析能力及解决问题的能力,对学生日后的学习及发展都有着积极的促进作用和意义。 High school is a critical phase in student systems and regular study of political subjects. Therefore, the quality of political teaching in high schools has an important influence on whether students can lay a solid foundation for their future study. At present, whether students can understand and master the contents of political knowledge in the process of political teaching in senior high schools depends on whether teachers can use scientific and reasonable teaching methods to carry out efficient classroom teaching. Therefore, in response to the requirements of the new curriculum standards Students have the ability to solve practical problems and the level of political communication can reach a certain standard, we must adjust the traditional political classroom teaching methods and strategies. The high school politics classroom life teaching replaces the traditional teaching mode mainly based on the teacher preaching, receives the teachers and students alike, life teaching is the combination of political knowledge and student life, not only improve students’ interest in learning At the same time, it also cultivates students ’abilities of observation, analysis and problem solving, and has a positive effect on the students’ future study and development.
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