7、8月正值桃果实收获期,此时务必对桃园加强管理,以提高产量与品质.具体措施如下: 1根外追肥这是土壤施肥以外的一种良好辅助施肥方法,能补充基肥不足,促进果实的发育枝条充实与花芽分化。一般浓度;尿素0.5一0.8%,过磷酸钙0.5—1%,硫酸钾0.3—0.5%,磷酸二氢钾0.2—0.25%。也可喷施入粪尿或草木灰浸出液。此外,桃果易感缺硼症、出现畸形果实.可在此期间喷施0.4—0.5%的硼水溶液,增产效果十分明显。
7, August is peach fruit harvest period, be sure to strengthen the management of Taoyuan, in order to improve production and quality.Specific measures are as follows: 1 root top dressing This is a soil fertilization other than a good auxiliary fertilization method, can supplement the lack of basal fertilizer , Promote the development of fruit branches enrichment and flower bud differentiation. The general concentration of 0.5 to 0.8% urea, 0.5-1% superphosphate, potassium sulfate 0.3-0.5%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2-0.25%. Can also be sprayed into manure or ash leachate. In addition, peach fruit susceptible to boron deficiency, deformity fruit can be sprayed during this period 0.4-0.5% boron solution, the yield is very obvious.