Latin America Fears Curreney Wars

来源 :China’s foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong534
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  Latin America is going Brazilian.PreViously,it was only Brazil.
宣威沙漠,驰誉丹青  九州禹迹,百郡秦并  岳宗泰岱,禅主云亭
The first document, or known  as the No. 1 document, to address China’s agricultural issue by improving agriculture science and technology is in urgent need, considering the present situation facing t
According to statistics of the Customs,China’s exports and imports in the first month of 2013 reached ¥2.17
The effect of China’s campaign to transfer industries from the coastal areas to the inland is being felt in my hometown,a village in Henan Province in central China.
China is keen to accelerate technology innovation and scientific research in agriculture, a move to boost the country’s modern agricultural development, a central government statement said on Feb. 1. 
“Building energy conservation presents both demand and market,”said Yao Bing, deputy director of China Energy-saving Association, on the Sixth Overseas Investment Forum for Chinese Enterprises which h
Doom and gloom about the  euro abounds. An increasing number of commentators and economists, including here at the Peterson Institute, have begun to question whether the common currency can survive.  
China’s official GDP statistics say the economy grew 8.9% in Q4-2011, and 9.2% for the year –pretty quick. Given widely held expectations of a slower Q4 and general scepticism on China’s economy, some
CPI inflation surprised on the upside, rebounding to 4.5% y/y in January from 4.1% prior  The Lunar New Year was the main cause, but what comes early also goes early  We call CPI inflation at 3.8% for
China frees more labor with farm machinery subsidies  Xinhua reported on February 17 that the government said it will continue to subsidize farmers’ machinery purchases this year to free up more rural