As infectious diseases are gradually being controlled, malignant tumors - cancers are increasingly threatening humans. The World Health Organization estimates that an average of 6.9 million people die of malignant tumors every year in the world’s more than 5 billion people, and the new incidence rate is about 8.7 million cases; in 1999, there were 37.10 million cases, and the number is still increasing year by year. According to the World Health Organization’s annual report for 1997, there were 6.3 million people worldwide died of cancer in 1996, accounting for about 12% of the total death rate. Cancer has become the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. From the Department of Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health, it is known that the number of cancers in our country each year is about 2 million, and the number of people dying from cancer is over 1.4 million. It is noteworthy that the rate of increase in cancer in rural areas and in the western region is significantly higher than the average level in cities and across the country. The high-risk areas of many cancers are in rural areas.