科学 规范 准确——也谈歌唱分类名称

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可谓声乐文化建设无小事,《歌唱艺术》首期“热点话题”栏目中刊登了两篇有关“三种唱法”的文章。这缘于中央电视台“青年歌手大奖赛”的热议、思考,也是声乐文化人直以来关注的热点之一。每次“央视青歌赛”的盛宴之后,必然会给人们带来无尽的回味,在回味之余也自然会有一些思考,歌唱法分类之说自然是其中之一。早在第二届“央视青歌赛”将演唱分为民族、美声、通俗三种唱法进行比赛时,人们即对这三种唱法的名称开始 Can be described as vocal culture is no small matter, “singing art” the first issue of “hot topics” column published two articles about “three singing”. This is due to the CCTV “Young Singers Grand Prix ” hot discussion, thinking, vocal culture is one of the hot spots people have been concerned about. Every time after the feast of “CCTV Youth Song Contest”, it will inevitably bring endless aftertaste to the people. In addition, there will naturally be some thoughts after the aftertastes. The categorization of singing method is naturally one of them. As early as the second “CCTV Youth Songs ” will be divided into national singing, the United States, the popular singing three kinds of singing competition, people that the name of these three singing began
根据“十二五”规划的精神,结合我国广大青少年音乐素质教育现状和发展趋势以及所面临的问题,文章对当前音乐素质教育改革提出了一些建议与构想。 According to the spirit
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Surface waveform modeling has played an important role on many continental-scale studies of upper mantle ve-locity structure, but it was seldom applied to the C