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从1987年武进东青乡建起第一个万册图书馆,到1997年底,全市56个乡镇全都建成万册图书馆,十年来,为群众提供了丰富的精神食粮,为贯彻“科技兴市”发展战略提供了大量知识和信息,其整体功能和社会效益愈来愈深刻地为人们所感悟。焦溪镇图书馆与镇科协联合举办葡萄种植技术广播讲座,使很多村民学会了种植技术。郑陆镇图书馆为村民提供《早熟蕃茄》、《弥猴桃栽培》和牛蛙、肉鸡养殖等科技资料,村民们均当年得益。湖塘镇科技图书馆为新光棉织厂提供关于喷汽织机的详细资料,使该厂在引进80台喷气织机的过程中掌握了主动权,与外商谈判中一举压下价格400万元。一本书改变一个人,一本书救活一群鸡,一本书救活一塘鱼的故事,让农民群众确确实实感受到图书的作用,知识的力量。雪堰、卢家巷、泰村、东安、魏村等许多乡镇图书馆还组织读书报告会、评选十佳读者、征文演讲、科技讲座、故事演讲等内容丰富多彩、群众喜闻乐见的活动,使成千上万群众与乡镇图书馆结下了不解之缘。 From 1987, Wujin East Green Township to build the first million library, by the end of 1997, the city’s 56 towns and villages all built Wan library, ten years, provide the masses with a wealth of spiritual food, for the implementation of City “development strategy provides a lot of knowledge and information, its overall function and social benefits are more and more deeply perceived by people. Coke Township Library and Town Association co-hosted a grape planting technology broadcast lectures, so many villagers learned to grow technology. Zheng Luzhen Library provides the villagers with ”early-maturing tomatoes“, ”kiwi cultivation" and bullfrog, broiler farming and other scientific and technological information, the villagers all benefit from that year. Hutang Science and Technology Library for Shin Kong Cotton Mill to provide detailed information on the jet loom so that the plant in the introduction of 80 air-jet looms in the process of mastery of the initiative, with foreign negotiations in one fell swoop down the price of 4 million yuan . A book to change a person, a book to save a group of chickens, a book to save a pond story, so that farmers really feel the role of the book, the power of knowledge. Many township libraries, such as Weir, Lujiaxiang, Taicun, Dongan and Weicun, also organize reading reports, selected top ten readers, essay lectures, science lectures, story lectures, and other colorful and popular activities, Thousands of people and township libraries have formed a bond of indissoluble bond.
我院1986年4月~1990年6月,因原发性甲状腺功能亢进症行双侧甲状腺次全切除术456例。术后发生甲状旁腺功能减退症31例,占6.79%,报告如下。1 临床资料.31例患者中,女27例,男4例
环孢霉素 A(CsA)是一种有效的新型免疫抑制剂。目前已被广泛用于肾、肝、心和胰腺等器官的移植。CsA 也可诱导胰岛素依赖性糖尿病(ID-DM)患者的临床缓解。自1985年以来,肾移
暴发性肝衰竭(FHF)多数病例表现有低血糖、高胰岛素血症(高于正常10~20倍),C 肽水平升高(5~10倍),支链氦基酸(BCAA)水平正常和芳香氨基酸(AAA)水平升高。本文研究目的是确定 F
本文用血浆胰岛素(128)~Ⅰ放射免疫法改良后用于尿液胰岛素(U-INS)测定。15例正常人U-INS 空腹值为2.75±0.26mU/L,与血浆胰岛素(P-INS)比值为1∶2.28。OGTT 中 U-INS 与 P-I
邂逅一个美丽的意外    初升太阳照耀下的村庄,仿佛披上了一层光辉,村舍集中的地方炊烟袅袅升起,每一处炊烟升起的地方,必然有一个早起的女主人,或许正一边咳嗽一边生火,或许正打着酥油茶……    新措——“新”发现的湖?  新措,是在巴松措里面的一个湖。巴松措的开发已经很多年,“东方瑞士”的名头叫得四方皆知。而新措,知道它的人还很少,想来需走路两小时以上才能抵达也阻挡了相当一部分景点游热衷者。但凡了
故障现象一辆河北长鹿牌HB6668城乡轻型公交车(配置玉柴YF4F100-30国Ⅲ电控共轨式柴油机),行驶到3 250 km时,发动机突然加速不灵并熄火。起动发动机时,发动机有着火迹象,但同