“一品佳荷若为官,光风霁月伴清廉。世人都学莲花品,官自公正民自安。”此为原文化部常务副部长、中国文联党组书记高占祥《咏荷五百首》中的诗句,读之令人顿觉心朗气爽,激起诗样情怀,为诗人在诗中所表现的一团正气,清雅的意趣,林泉高致的思想境界所深深折服。文如其人,生活中的高占祥多才多艺,意趣高雅,待人慈和厚朴,为官一生清廉,深受同志们的爱戴。“白藕沉沉育苦辛,莲芯蓬叶惜芳荫。莫让年华空对月,春华秋实惠黎民。”这首《咏荷五百首》中的《崇实》一诗所表现的思想情怀,正是高占祥人生最真实的自我写照。 高占祥今年67岁,中等身材,精神饱满,面容和蔼,勤勉善学,爱好广泛,创作颇丰,诗歌、评论、戏曲、音乐、舞蹈、书法、摄影等均有涉猎。前不久,他接受了本刊记者的专访。采访中,他回答问题思想明朗,条理清晰,逻辑性及概括性很强,既有诗人的情怀,又有哲人的思考,学者的风度。尤其是他不摆谱,无官架,谈笑风生,妙语连珠。
“If you are an official, if you are an official, you will learn how to learn the lotus flower from the world, and you will learn from yourselves.” This is Gao Zhanxiang, a standing deputy minister of the former Ministry of Culture and a secretary of the Chinese Federation Literary Group, In the poem, the reading of the heart-gratifying, arouse poetic feelings for the poet expressed in the poem, righteousness, elegant interest, Lin Quan Gaozhi ideological realm deeply impressed. As the text, Gao Zhanxiang in life is versatile, interesting and friendly, honorable Magnolia, for official life clean, by the comrades love. “White lotus sink deep bitter Xin, Lotus core Peng Ye Xi Yam Yam. Do not let the air time on the moon, Chunhua Qiu affordable.” The first “Avalokitesvara” in the “real” a poem expressed the feelings of the positive It is the most true self-portrait of Gao Zhanxiang’s life. Gao Zhaoxiang is 67 years old. He is a medium-sized, full-bodied, amiable, diligent, good-natured student with a wide range of hobbies and creative writing skills. His poetry, commentary, opera, music, dance, calligraphy and photography are all covered. Not long ago, he accepted the correspondents interview. In the interview, he answered questions clearly, clearly, logically and broadly. He possesses not only the poet’s feelings but also the philosophers’ thinking and scholarly demeanor. In particular, he does not set the table, no official frame, laughing, punchline.