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指示:各市、专、县、运城镇人民改府目前我省基层政权仍普遍为行政村制,三年来在恢复与发展农业生产的历史任务中,曾经发挥了一定的作用。这种小行政村的组织形式已逐渐不能适应今后生产发展趋势的需要。为了利于农村实行合作化,以至将来的集体化,省府根据中央指示,拟定了「划乡、建乡计划草案」,燕责成各专署组织力最分别类型进行实验工作,具体要求如下:一、各专接此计划草案后,应即召开有关会议,除认真研究提出对该草案之修正意见外,结合中心工作适当安排此项工作。同时必须立即协同有关部门抽调得力干部,组成划乡工作实验组,根据当地实际情况(山地、平原、半山地),选择有代表性的地区,进行重点实验,务于二月二十五日将实验总结送省府。二、县的划乡、建乡工作,四月份将要普遍开始。因此,各市、县、镇均应即早着手准备,依据省府计划草案结合各地人口、土地、面积范围等实际情况,迅速拟定各市、县、运城镇具体的划乡计划。于二月二十日前报省府。以便统一制定全省划乡、建乡计划。 Directing: People’s City Reform in Cities, Specialties, Counties, and Yuncheng At present, grass-roots political power in our province is still generally an administrative village system and has played a certain role in the historical task of recovering and developing agricultural production in the past three years. This small administrative village of the organizational form has gradually failed to meet the needs of future production trends. In order to facilitate the implementation of co-operation in rural areas and even collectivization in the future, the provincial government formulated the “Draft Plan for Township Planning and Rural Development” in accordance with the instructions of the Central Government. The draft of the plan for establishing townships was formulated by the provincial government. The specific requirements are as follows: After receiving the draft plan, each meeting should be convened immediately. Except for earnestly studying and putting forward amendments to the draft, the work should be properly arranged in conjunction with the work of the center. At the same time, it is necessary to immediately coordinate with the relevant departments to draw competent cadres and form an experimental group for planning township work. According to the actual conditions in the area (mountainous, plains and semi-mountainous areas), select representative areas for key experiments to be conducted on February 25 Experimental summary to the provincial government. Second, county planning Township, rural construction work, will be generally started in April. Therefore, all cities, counties, and towns should start preparations as soon as possible. According to the draft plan of the provincial government and the actual conditions of population, land and area, the plan for the planning of township cities and counties and Yuncheng should be promptly drafted. Reported to the provincial government before February 20. In order to unify the development of the provincial planning township, building plans.
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