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弹去了九月的风尘,迎来了华南沿海又一年的金秋十月。四季常绿的广东依旧在绿意盎然百花争艳的氛围里,而遥远的北国黑龙江已是寒霜初度候鸟迁徙的季节了。广州,是我生命旅途中又一个新的驿站。面对新奇陌生的语言,深感幅员辽阔、民族众多的祖国有着一方水土养一方人的特色。但愿这方开放的热土能给予远方来客一寸拼搏的空间,为这支贫弱的笔注入一丝新的灵感。 Bounced to the dust of September, ushered in the autumn of southern China another year in October. Evergreen in the four seasons of Guangdong is still in the atmosphere of blooming green flowers, and the distant north of Heilongjiang is the beginning of winter frost migratory season. Guangzhou, is another new station in my life journey. In the face of new and strange languages, I deeply feel that there is a vast territory and a large number of people in the motherland have the characteristics of cultivating one party by water and soil. I hope the hot land open to this area will give visitors a inch of hard work in the distance, injecting new inspiration into this impoverished pen.
大嘴:最近,大嘴的邮箱收到不少同学的来信,因为忙于功课,大嘴不能一一回信,所以请严肃大哥来“救驾”哦! 大嘴信箱:dazuidu@163.com Big mouth: Recently, the large mouth o
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夜幕即将降临  最后一点  未被黑夜吞噬的霞光  我徒步行走  在黑暗与光明之间  乡间小路  断断续续的犬吠  朦胧的村庄  洗过的麦田和油菜花  农人背着沉重的行囊  渐行渐远  曾经被丢弃的文字  生根发芽  捉迷藏的女孩  是否还能找得到我
《哈利波特·火焰杯》 11月18日,全球同步上映的《哈利波特·火焰杯》是《哈利·波特》系列电影格局最庞大、特效最惊奇、人物关系最复杂的一部。哈利·波特在霍格活茨魔法学
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