80年来 ,中共领导人的“五四”观自始即采用了激进的革命话语系统 ,强调五四运动的政治意义和爱国精神 ,用政治运动统摄思想文化运动 ,把五四运动看作是中国新旧民主主义革命的分界线。这种“五四”观对学术界中国现代史研究产生了导向性影响。总结其经验教训 ,对全面、深入地研究“五四” ,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。
Over the past 80 years, the CPC’s “May 4th” concept has adopted a radical system of revolutionary discourse since the very beginning, emphasizing the political significance and patriotism of the May 4th Movement, using the political movement to unite the ideological and cultural movement, and considering the May Fourth Movement as China The dividing line between old and new democratic revolutions. This “May 4th” view has a guiding effect on the study of Chinese modern history in academia. Summarizing its experiences and lessons, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of the May 4th Movement.